Rick Perry
Score: N/A
“I don’t take quizzes. That’s for pansies.”
Mitt Romney
Score: 100%
He cheated. “I did well because I love America so much.” Nope, definitely cheated.
Michele Bachmann
Score: 120%
She made up and answered her own extra credit questions on the tests. “Are there retakes? I could do better.”
Ron Paul
Score: N/A
Automatic disqualification for supporting legalization of heroin. “The American people should be grading the test themselves. The scorers are corrupt.” Probably true.
Newt Gingrich
Score: N/A
He devised his own test, gave himself an A, and then accused Romney of cheating.
Jon Huntsman
Score: F
“I would have scored well if the test were graded by independents.”
Herman Cain
Score: N/A
Scorers disqualified Cain, mistaking him for McCain. He met them in face-to-face to clear up the confusion, but was then mistaken for Obama.
Rick Santorum
Score: C
Answered each question with a diatribe against gay marriage. Damn, he still got C!
Sarah Palin
Score: N/A
She did not take the test, but drove up in her bus outside the test for a 2-hour speech, spoke for 15 minutes about how George Washington always said tests were for Communists, and then left early.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Obama Needs Jack Bauer
On the show 24, President Palmer (the actual first black president) often dealt with terrorism. He routinely negotiated with terrorists. Not out of fear or stupidity or pacifism, but simply to stall for time while Jack Bauer secretly hunted them down. The plan, like the show, was usually awesome.
Obama has used the analogy of taking hostages to talk about the GOP threats to shut down the government or not raise the debt ceilings, saying he has to give in to some of their demands to avoid disaster, as painful as it is. Well, continuing the analogy, the reason you don’t negotiate with terrorists is that they keep coming back asking for more, unless you can stall them and then defeat them. Honestly, what is Obama’s plan? Does he have Jack Bauer waiting in the wings? Does he have a Keifer Sutherland endorsement coming? Is Sutherland actually going to fight Chuck Norris at a bi-partisan fundraiser?
Maybe Obama has a trick up his sleeve, or maybe he’ll really shine in his reelection bid. Maybe he’s just banking on this drama hurting the GOP's public image. Maybe I say maybe too much.
Anyhow, I watched 24 for a long time, but I never finished it. I got tired of Jack Bauer saving the world over and over again (also the DVDs are expensive and the illegal websites streaming it weren’t working on my computer). I’m also getting tired of the GOP extracting demands from Obama over and over again, only to later call him a Socialist. I’m really tempted to stop watching.
Obama has used the analogy of taking hostages to talk about the GOP threats to shut down the government or not raise the debt ceilings, saying he has to give in to some of their demands to avoid disaster, as painful as it is. Well, continuing the analogy, the reason you don’t negotiate with terrorists is that they keep coming back asking for more, unless you can stall them and then defeat them. Honestly, what is Obama’s plan? Does he have Jack Bauer waiting in the wings? Does he have a Keifer Sutherland endorsement coming? Is Sutherland actually going to fight Chuck Norris at a bi-partisan fundraiser?

Anyhow, I watched 24 for a long time, but I never finished it. I got tired of Jack Bauer saving the world over and over again (also the DVDs are expensive and the illegal websites streaming it weren’t working on my computer). I’m also getting tired of the GOP extracting demands from Obama over and over again, only to later call him a Socialist. I’m really tempted to stop watching.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
2012 GOP Primary Predictions
First of all, let me express my great joy at how slow the process has been, compared to the Circus of 2008. As we near the 6-month mark before the Iowa caucuses, potential candidates like Perry and Palin (both of whom could actually win) have not even made a decision. I predict that Palin won't run. Palin wants to be a pundit, not a policymaker. And she might lose. Some blame her for McCain's loss and practical every independent in the county hates her.
If Rick Perry jumps in, I think he has the unique ability to run the table. He's their dream candidate, lacking the flaws of the rest. He doesn't come across as too crazy (see: Santorum), he holds up the legs of the GOP Stool (like Romney, except sincere), he's not seen as past-his-prime (see: Gingrich), he actually has a chance to win the nomination (see: Paul), and he seems to know what he's doing (see: Pawlenty; Huntsman). He could potentially dominate the primary. Perry might be too much of a Bush clone for the public, but at least then Barack Obama could keep running against George W. Bush! You can't make this shit up.
However, if Perry sits out, we have 2004 Redux: The GOP Version. Here, primary voters are bored and uninspired by old dudes like John Kerry and Dick Gephardt (now played by Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich) and not about to pick Joe Lieberman, their last candidate's running mate (in this case...Sarah Palin I guess). They see hope in the young, charismatic John Edwards (Tim Pawlenty), but he never really catches on. They also think Wes Clark (Jon Huntsman) will appeal to independents and be a fresh alternative, but he enters the race late and also fizzles. They find themselves captivated by the bombastic Howard Dean (in this case Michele Bachmann) who chastises the party for straying from its principles and weakly caving to the other side. Not to mention Al Sharpton and Dennis Kucinich, (now Rick Santorum and Herman Cain) who have no chance. (Not cast in this movie: Ron Paul, as he clearly belongs in neither party and should really have his own story)
Many remain reluctantly undecided, still dissatisfied with their choices and worried about the frontrunner's electability. The other candidates see that they still have a chance, but must take out the frontrunner, so they unite against their common foe. In the final days, the frontrunner is taken down, and immediately reacts by making an ass of himself on national TV, ensuring that he'll always be remembered as not just a loser, but a crazy loser (I can't WAIT to see what Bachmann does in the sequel! 50-50 chance she declares it a sign of the Apocalypse).
In the end, the boring, tone-deaf Kerry wins the nomination, viewed as the least offensive candidate. The voters hate the incumbent so much that they are thrilled to vote for any alternative.
In the general election, despite troublesome wars and a bad economy, the incumbent wins. History is like an M. Night Shyamalan movie. You have no clue what's going on at first and there's always a twist, but it's pretty much the same formula every time. Also a small number of elites make lots of money, but the masses are generally dissatisfied.
If Rick Perry jumps in, I think he has the unique ability to run the table. He's their dream candidate, lacking the flaws of the rest. He doesn't come across as too crazy (see: Santorum), he holds up the legs of the GOP Stool (like Romney, except sincere), he's not seen as past-his-prime (see: Gingrich), he actually has a chance to win the nomination (see: Paul), and he seems to know what he's doing (see: Pawlenty; Huntsman). He could potentially dominate the primary. Perry might be too much of a Bush clone for the public, but at least then Barack Obama could keep running against George W. Bush! You can't make this shit up.

Many remain reluctantly undecided, still dissatisfied with their choices and worried about the frontrunner's electability. The other candidates see that they still have a chance, but must take out the frontrunner, so they unite against their common foe. In the final days, the frontrunner is taken down, and immediately reacts by making an ass of himself on national TV, ensuring that he'll always be remembered as not just a loser, but a crazy loser (I can't WAIT to see what Bachmann does in the sequel! 50-50 chance she declares it a sign of the Apocalypse).

In the general election, despite troublesome wars and a bad economy, the incumbent wins. History is like an M. Night Shyamalan movie. You have no clue what's going on at first and there's always a twist, but it's pretty much the same formula every time. Also a small number of elites make lots of money, but the masses are generally dissatisfied.
Friday, May 13, 2011
After years of lying dominant, it has finally returned. Not Political Mouthwash, well, that too, but I mean the GOP Presidential Primaries. Primaries are much easier to write and joke about. I am much prouder of the work I did lambasting kooky candidates than my mockery of movements, like the Tea Party, or actual policy. Let’s be honest, I was getting bitchy and wonky at the same time, so onward! Here is my ranking of 2012 primary contenders by how likely they will earn the nomination.
Front Runner: Tim "Good n' Pawlenty"
aka T-Paw aka Early Front Runner (usually a bad sign)
He’s boring, but every candidate has a fatal flaw. His path to victory should follow McCain’s in 2008. Be the boring, not crazy, candidate, take an early lead, don’t appeal to the fringe too much, run a lame campaign, fall behind, watch the crazy people destroy each other, win randomly in the last week, laugh at everyone. Then pick a random and inexperienced but super-hot, super-conservative running mate: Christine O’Donnell, this could be your comeback!
2. Mitt from the Mitt
One part of the John McCain playbook T-Paw can’t achieve is that “Next in Line” vibe that rarely fails in GOP primaries from Reagan to McCain. Here, Romney shines. He was runner-up to McCain in 2008 just as McCain was runner-up to Bush in 2000. Still, he was governor of Taxachusetts. I dunno, maybe the GOP will respond to this stump speech:“ObamaCare will destroy our economy, and while I signed into law almost the same program for Massachusetts, I believe in states’ rights, so what I did was fine. And Massachusetts is already a doomed, Liberal dystopia anyhow. How many of you Republicans care that I destroyed Massachusetts? That’s right. None of you. I did you a favor. You’re welcome.”Still, I think they’ll just ask him to run for governor of Vermont instead.
3. Newt Gingrich aka Fig Newton
America wants to forget the last decade, but Newt can with win Nineties Nostalgia! Step back, Mitt, Newt’s next in line, not you. You oppose Obama for passing nation-wide RomneyCare, but Newt was decrying Bill Clinton’s adultery even while he was cheating on his own wife. Also, he’s smarter, somehow less sleazy, and shrewd enough not to tell black babies, “Hey, you got some bling-bling.” Watch out, Mitt.
4. Michele Bachmann
aka Bachmann Turner Overbearing
Well, Sarah, there’s only room for one Mama Grizzly in this primary. You snooze, you lose. If you wish Sarah Palin was less charming and spent less time on talk shows and more time finishing out her terms in office, Michele Bachmann is your candidate. Does Palin even want to run? Too late, Bachmann definitely wants to. Sorry, Sarah, Michele is Looking Out for Number 1. You’ll have to Let it Ride. She is already Takin’ Care of Business. You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet. Also, it’s fitting that she spells Michele with only one L because she’s one ‘ell of a lunatic.
5. Ron “my son outranks me now” PaulHe’s still running. He still opposes a large, active military. He’ll divide the true Tea Partiers and the generic Republicans trying to ride the wave, which is exactly how to lose a primary. He’s a real longshot, but he’ll make things much more entertaining.
6. Rick “Google Me Right Now” Santorum
Don’t do it. Definitely stop reading at “frothy.”
7. Huck
He may not even run, but he could. He has more charm than anyone in the field. Most of all, I think Chuck Norris wants this to happen, and if he campaigns for Huck again, Huck could win easily.
8. Sarah Palin aka Sarah P the Pharisee
See Bachmann. Also, what a relief that the media is finally getting bored of her.
9. Trump aka Wait, WHAT?
Campaign Strategy: Obama? Fired.
On the Issues: Terrorists? Fired. Recession? Fired. Taxes? Fired. Debt? Fired. High gas prices? I’m proud to introduce new Trump Gas Stations. Best gas stations in the world. Period! They’ll solve the gas crisis. Guranteed!
Finally, a very special season of Vice Presidential Apprentice. It’s gonna be huge!
Front Runner: Tim "Good n' Pawlenty"
aka T-Paw aka Early Front Runner (usually a bad sign)
He’s boring, but every candidate has a fatal flaw. His path to victory should follow McCain’s in 2008. Be the boring, not crazy, candidate, take an early lead, don’t appeal to the fringe too much, run a lame campaign, fall behind, watch the crazy people destroy each other, win randomly in the last week, laugh at everyone. Then pick a random and inexperienced but super-hot, super-conservative running mate: Christine O’Donnell, this could be your comeback!
2. Mitt from the Mitt
One part of the John McCain playbook T-Paw can’t achieve is that “Next in Line” vibe that rarely fails in GOP primaries from Reagan to McCain. Here, Romney shines. He was runner-up to McCain in 2008 just as McCain was runner-up to Bush in 2000. Still, he was governor of Taxachusetts. I dunno, maybe the GOP will respond to this stump speech:“ObamaCare will destroy our economy, and while I signed into law almost the same program for Massachusetts, I believe in states’ rights, so what I did was fine. And Massachusetts is already a doomed, Liberal dystopia anyhow. How many of you Republicans care that I destroyed Massachusetts? That’s right. None of you. I did you a favor. You’re welcome.”Still, I think they’ll just ask him to run for governor of Vermont instead.
3. Newt Gingrich aka Fig Newton
America wants to forget the last decade, but Newt can with win Nineties Nostalgia! Step back, Mitt, Newt’s next in line, not you. You oppose Obama for passing nation-wide RomneyCare, but Newt was decrying Bill Clinton’s adultery even while he was cheating on his own wife. Also, he’s smarter, somehow less sleazy, and shrewd enough not to tell black babies, “Hey, you got some bling-bling.” Watch out, Mitt.
4. Michele Bachmann
aka Bachmann Turner Overbearing
Well, Sarah, there’s only room for one Mama Grizzly in this primary. You snooze, you lose. If you wish Sarah Palin was less charming and spent less time on talk shows and more time finishing out her terms in office, Michele Bachmann is your candidate. Does Palin even want to run? Too late, Bachmann definitely wants to. Sorry, Sarah, Michele is Looking Out for Number 1. You’ll have to Let it Ride. She is already Takin’ Care of Business. You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet. Also, it’s fitting that she spells Michele with only one L because she’s one ‘ell of a lunatic.
5. Ron “my son outranks me now” PaulHe’s still running. He still opposes a large, active military. He’ll divide the true Tea Partiers and the generic Republicans trying to ride the wave, which is exactly how to lose a primary. He’s a real longshot, but he’ll make things much more entertaining.
6. Rick “Google Me Right Now” Santorum
Don’t do it. Definitely stop reading at “frothy.”
7. Huck
He may not even run, but he could. He has more charm than anyone in the field. Most of all, I think Chuck Norris wants this to happen, and if he campaigns for Huck again, Huck could win easily.
8. Sarah Palin aka Sarah P the Pharisee
See Bachmann. Also, what a relief that the media is finally getting bored of her.
9. Trump aka Wait, WHAT?
Campaign Strategy: Obama? Fired.
On the Issues: Terrorists? Fired. Recession? Fired. Taxes? Fired. Debt? Fired. High gas prices? I’m proud to introduce new Trump Gas Stations. Best gas stations in the world. Period! They’ll solve the gas crisis. Guranteed!
Finally, a very special season of Vice Presidential Apprentice. It’s gonna be huge!
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