Obama has used the analogy of taking hostages to talk about the GOP threats to shut down the government or not raise the debt ceilings, saying he has to give in to some of their demands to avoid disaster, as painful as it is. Well, continuing the analogy, the reason you don’t negotiate with terrorists is that they keep coming back asking for more, unless you can stall them and then defeat them. Honestly, what is Obama’s plan? Does he have Jack Bauer waiting in the wings? Does he have a Keifer Sutherland endorsement coming? Is Sutherland actually going to fight Chuck Norris at a bi-partisan fundraiser?

Anyhow, I watched 24 for a long time, but I never finished it. I got tired of Jack Bauer saving the world over and over again (also the DVDs are expensive and the illegal websites streaming it weren’t working on my computer). I’m also getting tired of the GOP extracting demands from Obama over and over again, only to later call him a Socialist. I’m really tempted to stop watching.