HAS THE WHOLE WORLD GONE CRAZY? What is the world coming to when the most reasonable person in the public debate is GEORGE W. BUSH???
Slate’s Dhalia Lithwick explains the stupidity of Meghan McCain and Ann Coulter’s political catfight. Political discourse becomes a Coors Lite commercial! (Can we AT LEAST replace Ann Coulter with Sarah Palin? Much hotter!).

Meanwhile Michael Steele called out Rush Limbaugh, then apologized. WTF? Are the Republicans even trying? Have they given up? Grab some Libertarian economists. Bring out Mike Huckabee with a Republican-who-actually-gives-a-shit-about-working-people plan. DO SOMETHING! Jeez...
So far, the best they’ve come up with is Rep. Connie Mack, from the anti-bailout wing of the GOP. He is demanding that Geithner resign or Obama fire him (and his colleage Chuck Grassley wants AIG execs to either resign or kill themselves!!!) Seriously? Geithner was confirmed less than two months ago! Did you think he would turn things around in two months? Is it his fault that Asshole International Group wasted the bailout the money on wild parties and bonuses? Geithner hasn’t been impressive, but he’s pretty much done what you'd expect someone to do in the first two months of a four year job: NOT MUCH. Frankly, he has not done enough for anyone to assess his job performance in any way.
There’s a reason Obama has consistently had a 60% or so approval rating. It’s not because 60% of America is liberal. It’s because it’s too early to say. For all the crap I give the American public, they are actually smart enough to know that no one really knows anything at this point. All I know is the Democrats are in power, the public is being both smart and fair and Republican political strategy is a hopelessly failure. What’s the world coming to?
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