To: President Barack “Big O” Obama
Cc: Uncle Sam, Joe “Big Mouth” Biden,The Waco Kid, Goofers McWaxalot
Greetings. It’s the America Public. We are really tired and frustrated and pissed off. The economy’s in the shitter. There aren’t even jobs for immigrants to take from us. We’re at war in two places…right? We’ve stopped caring about that, but it still kinda sucks.
You spent a ton of money changing our health care system. We don’t really know how that’s gonna work out. You got those Wall Street laws going into place, we guess that’s good. But now we got that unstoppable oil spill, and it is making you look bad. It’s not your fault, we know, but we have to blame someone. We could blame BP, and we kinda do, but we don’t really know them. Turns out they’re British and we’re tired of blaming foreigners for stuff. We need to blame someone right here in America. You’re in charge, we gotta blame you. Don’t take it personally. We even found shit to unfairly blame on Bush.
Most of all, the economy’s doing badly and we need help. Health care and financial reform may help in the future, but we need something right now.
But, not another Stimulus. We don’t like that. That cost a lot of money and didn’t really affect us directly. In fact, no more government programs. The Republicans keep saying the government makes things worse and we’re inclined to agree. But you still need to do something, so…you’re gonna have to help us without expanding government.
How ‘bout tax cuts? We like those. Except you can’t cut our programs, we like those, too. And you can't increase the debt. That’s bad too. So, you’re going to have to find
Fat somewhere in the budget to cut. There must some kind of pork project you can cut that’s expensive and unnecessary.
Not from my state, though. My state’s programs our crucial. You can’t cut them.
Cut something from West Virginia, no one likes them.
If you could cast a magic spell on Small Businesses, that might be good. If this is too much to ask,
we’ll vote Copperfield Blaine in 2012 cuz they have already promised to do this. Or maybe get the Pope to go on tour blessing all Small Businesses. At the very least,
say you did something to help small businesses. That would make us happy.
Maybe this is all impossible.
You better hope not, cuz we want it. And if you don’t get it, we’ll vote for someone who promises it to us. Again,
this isn’t your fault, it’s just tough shit. Don’t take it personally. We re-elected W. And Nixon.
Nixon! We HATED the bastard and still re-elected him.
So, at least we’re consistent about what we want, even if what we want is full of inconsistencies. Sorry, we don’t care. Honestly, try scraping to survive and then worrying about consistency at the end of the day.
You signed on for this, Mr. President. Think of something. You went to Harvard, you’re a lawyer. You’re smart. You organized on the South Side of Chicago, so you have experience working in Total Economic Clusterfucks. Figure this out. We like you. We don’t want to elect another asshole, but we will.
Laters, Big O. You’re the Best!
John Q. Public and Co.P.S. If you can find any way to blame this on Biden, do it!