The world is ending! The oceans run black with oil, there’s flooding everywhere, hurricanes, melting ice, rising temperatures, widespread war. Clearly, this a repeat of Exodus, the Ten Plagues of Egypt. The Lord is raining down terror upon us, but why? Falwell and Robertson have already tried to blame the gays, or any lack of Christian morality, that’s played out. Let’s be creative. Why is God angry at America?
Marijuana is illegal:

Old cheap beers dying out: 
Crackdowns on illegal immigration:

Not telling Christian zealots when they’ve gone too far:

Any other ideas?
Another possibility: Earth is slowing on its rotational axis, thus causing disasters ad infinitum. Like I've always said, it's getting near time for humans to make First Contact.
I'm sure it'll happen when Sarah Palin is elected president.
I've always been suspicious of her humanoid ancestry. There's some Klingon mixed in there somewhere.
Possible some Bajoran, too. Either way, there needed to be some Trojan in there, too ... with her conception.
I completely agree, LeVar.
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