Wednesday, February 27, 2008
The Waco Kid Endorses Barack Obama: But Why?
McCain’s chimed in at a rally, “The Waco Kid is a liberal pansy. I’m sure he loves Obama’s Leftist garbage. This far-left politics will not win in November. While McCain was going on his rant against political lefties, I was pondering why it was that Obama appealed to me. Last night, at the debate, I figured it. I was watching Obama write notes while Hillary was going on about a Saturday Night Live sketch so she could pout about the media favoring Obama. As he wrote his notes, I noticed, Obama is a lefty!
Not a left-winger, but left-handed! Like me, Bill Clinton, Poppa Bush, Ronald Reagan, and many others. As a left-hander, I have always had to endure struggles such as learning how write (and holding the pencil all weird), never being able to borrow anyone’s baseball glove in a pickup game, having to switch to right-handed for golf, finding a left-handed desk in the lecture hall (one time I was taking a test and they had NONE, would not accommodate me, and I had to sit at a table in the front of everyone to take a test and I felt like an idiot), and worst of all, witnessing society not care about Left Hander’s Day in any way (you could at least send me a card, I have never gotten a single card).
So I thought of all of that, as Obama wrote, and decided that I truly identify with him. Hillary sat there writing with her right hand, like she was better than the lowly lefties. So I endorse Obama. I was also excited when I discovered so many presidents have been left-handed, and then I realized John McCain also is. Fine, let there be a Lefty Battle this November. Power to the Lefties!
Monday, February 25, 2008
Hillary’s Pillory: Sexism or Herself
Hillary frequently engages in behavior that reinforces her negative image (Much like John Kerry saying his favorite Red Sock is Manny Ortez), regardless of how accurate that image is. In these primaries, it started with cynical, Billy-come-lately charges of voter disenfranchisement in The Happy Ending State. Now she is talking about seating the Florida and Michigan delegates, which is a similar, but even more disingenuous tactic. They did not campaign in Florida, so she capitalized on the fact that she does better the less people see of her and Obama. But the Michigan situation is shameless and appalling. After complaining about the lack of debates and not getting her voice heard, maybe Hillary should debate her closest rival in Michigan: Uncommitted. It’s easy to win delegates when no one else’s name is on the ballot. Just think of all the Uncommitted delegates being disenfranchised. Clearly, Hillary is excessively cynical, ambitious, and egotistical.
However, let’s remember, that makes her like 95% of people in politics. This is nothing we haven’t seen before. It’s just more obvious when she does it because she’s a Clinton, a woman, and she’s actually more successful and capable than most of the corrupt, unprincipled jerks in politics. Getting back to sexism, it’s fair to say we notice these qualities in Hillary more because she’s a woman. They are real, but they are not unique. We expect men to be jerks, but we anticipate different flaws in women. We expect them to be too meek or passive, not too pushy and scheming. Hillary let us all down, because she’s just like one of the guys. Sadly, that’s how most politicians survive. That’s why Obama is so unique, because we think maybe, just maybe, he isn’t like that. And people would think better of Hillary and not make unfair charges against her if she stopped finding ways to prove them right.
One final note: Hillary is engaging in the ultimate act of selfishness by not only staying in the race, but also going so negative. The tide is clearly turning toward Obama and the party is gravitating toward him. Obama has a huge lead in pledged delegates and a decent lead even when you include superdelegates. For Hillary to make a full comeback, she needs Obama to epically implode (He would have to say something in the “Kill All the White Man” ballpark). If she wants to stay in, fine, but why mock the new hero of her party? Best case, she probably forces a superdelegate showdown, where she can only win through backdoor shenanigans. Worst case, she crashes in flames and brings Obama down with her. Now, Obama is not the Messiah (or Obamassiah, as those insufferable hipsters love to say). However, it is worth noting that promising Democratic candidates are almost as rare as messiahs. Hillary is willing to risk severe damage to her party for what has basically become a long shot candidacy. So thank you, Hillary, for clearing up this question of sexist vs. self-inflicted hatred, because this pretty much proves it’s mostly your own fault!
***UPDATE: When I say Hillary has gone too far and is mocking Obama, I mean this.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Obama Snubs Black Union Forum: Why shouldn't he?
Meet your new president............Sarah Conner :D
Friday, February 22, 2008
That 70s Party: The Grand Old Has-Beens
But suddenly, someone who will remain nameless (let’s call him Karl R., no that’s too obvious, we’ll say K. Rove) called primary voters and told them McCain had an illegitimate black child (Oh my, he cheated on his wife! With a colored woman, even worse!). In fact, he and his wife had adopted a Bangladeshi girl (No good deed goes unpunished). So the Straight Talker lost to a politically cynical man who smirks every time he utters a sentence without stuttering.
McCain learned a valuable lesson from his defeat. He slowly abandoned his maverick approach and began towing the party line (becoming the Phantom Maverick). It took him awhile, but by 2004, he was turning into an articulate version of George W. Bush, a guaranteed winner for 08. By 2006, he was so loyal to Bush that in a presidential straw poll, he asked his supporters to cast their vote for Bush. Maybe he wanted them to know there was no difference. Maybe he had become so loyal he would campaign for a third term (technically, W did not win in 2000, so he should be eligible to run right now). Now, John McCain represents a 70s solution that was popular in the 80s and could have worked in 2000, but now is outdated. He’s a re-run!
Welcome to the Ronald Reagan Show. Your guest host John McCain will address welfare queens, defeat the Red Menace, reduce regulation of the economy, and cut your taxes dramatically. Wait? That was already done? Uh, more tax cuts? Even less regulation? Iraq could be our new Menace...We can still talk about lazy people even after broad welfare reform, right?
Suddenly, Ronald Reagan has turned into Bob Dole. Our unstoppable hero has turned into a cranky, out-of-touch, old codger. He sounds like a broken record in an era where CDs could soon become obsolete. This is the best luck the Democrats have had since Rove bailed them out by beating McCain. The question now is: Just as in 2000, how will the Democrats find a way to squander this? Ohio, we’re looking in your direction.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Political Correctness: The Incompetence of the Thought Police
While we are on the topic, another case of stupid political correctness is the totally bullshit word, Caucasian. It comes from pseudoscientific (aka racist) classifications of people from like 100 years ago. The white race was Caucasoid, the black race was Negroid. So all those PC Leftists who call themselves Caucasian (secretly, they just like that it has Asian in it, so it sounds ethnic), are using a word related to Negro. How progressive. Great job, guys. Way to do your homework.
One last thought: George Carlin once observed “They call it the rainforest/wetlands because no one would want to save the jungle/swamp.” This shows how PC terms can garner sympathy for a group, but it can also backfire. A Clerk sounds like someone who is overworked and underpaid, but the PC-nik corporate morale-boosters have now made them Customer Service Representatives, who sound like a bunch of rich, yuppie jerks. Well done, guys (I mean…guys and girls). Are they these PC terms really benefiting the targeted groups? And why do we always get caught up in semantics while ignoring the really issues? Wait, why didn't I post about a real issue? (I'm busy lately? Nothing's happening in the primaries at the moment? Goofers, come back! I'm running out of ideas!)
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Barack Obama: The Boston Red Sox of Politics
He’s just like the Boston Red Sox. The Red Sox have proven over the years that they are incapable of smooth success from start to finish. However, in 2004 they found a new strategy: let the other team get ahead of them. They gave the Yankees a false sense of confidence, letting them go up 3-0 on them, a historically insurmountable margin. As it turned out, it was actually easier for the Red Sox to make history with a ridiculously difficult comeback than to win a dead-even series. Again, in 2007, they looked to be the obvious favorite. However, it was only once they nearly blew their division lead that they were able to truly reach the top of their game and dominate in the playoffs. Nothing is ever easy for the Sox, I guess.
Obama has no choice but to stick with the Red Sox strategy. If he keeps winning, he is sure to lose. Even if he runs the table, Hillary will pay off superdelegates or find some way to beat him. No, he has no chance as the front-runner. He can only win as the underdog. He can only win by losing (This strategy failed miserably for Giuliani, but only because he is a filthy Yankees fan). So lose, Barack, if you want to have any chance. Lose Ohio! It’s better that way. In fact, you may as well give an acceptance speech if you lose. It’s just too bad you can’t get a Curt Schilling endorsement.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
MSM Strikes Back Against PMW: It’s WAR!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Obama’s Secret Weapon: A Blast from the Past
Interesting fact: Howard Dean does not get along with a certain faction of the Democratic Party. They even sent their go-to-guy James Carville to try to unseat him in 2006 (somehow after taking back the House AND Senate in one year, it was hard to make a case that the Democrats had bad leadership—for once!). Yes, we are talking about Bill Clinton and Friends. Like Roosevelt, Dean may see an attempt to brush him under the rug backfire (Brush is actually his middle name). With some behind the scenes maneuvering, Dean may in fact be partly responsible for a brokered convention picking Obama over Clinton. All Obama has to do is turn off Dean’s mic and it’ll be clear sailing from there.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
The Clinton Reign of Terror: Democratic Party Status Check
Yes, but America loses (no offense to Hillary supporters, unless you’re a feminist who thinks I’m sexist, in which case, I hope you are offended in every way possible). A Clinton win is a victory for the Democrats, but an Obama win is a victory for optimism as well. While experience is helpful, (like, two extra years over Obama, Yes!) Obama has the potential to make people hate politics less. When they hate politics, they stop paying attention, and then presidents get elected who end up with 30% approval ratings. If Clinton is nominated, she may win, even against McCain (do not underestimate the power of the Clintons). The only other choices will be a third party (“Go ahead, throw your vote away!”) or a Straight Talker (John McCain is only a Straight Talker in the sense that he is neither gay nor silent).
The Democrats need to offer a remedy for the Bush infection plaguing America. America elected the honorable, pious Jimmy Carter to wash away the slimy, corrupt Nixon. They elected the competent Ronald Reagan to take the reins from the naïve, ineffective Carter. They chose the shrewd, able Bill Clinton to clean up the mess made by the aloof Poppa Bush. Baby Bush became president because they trusted him to keep it his pants and avoid embarrassing sex scandals (scandals like the FEMA one are so much more tasteful!). A new president has to counteract the old president’s fatal flaw.
George W. Bush is a stubborn cowboy who has done poorly partly because he doesn’t listen to opposing points of view (his cabinet of Yes Men replaced Clinton’s cabinet of Yes Women). Obama is widely seen as someone who respects all points of view and will listen. Hillary is viewed only as someone who can get things done. Even if Obama’s idealistic plans don’t come to fruition, he will still push mostly the same policies as Hillary, so why not take the gamble? Why not try someone the Republicans won’t hate and the Indies might actually like? Either way, the Democrats have the advantage in November, but with Hillary, cynicism and pessimism also have the advantage. With Obama, people might not get exhausted by politics and fall into a deep, apathetic sleep.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
The Phantom Maverick: Huge Super Tuesday Victory for Obama?
Then there’s the young guy, who’s ignored all movie but obviously is much better. They didn’t think he was ready, not experienced enough, but he comes in and slices the bad guy in half! The bottom line is, the Democrats will soon realize who they want going up against McCain. As McCain rises, it will only make Obama more powerful (Barack you like a McHurriCain?).
Monday, February 4, 2008
WHY CAN’T IT HAPPEN?: Super Tuesday and Fat Tuesday Collide
The two candidates most interested in Tuesday’s results are Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Hillary has been way ahead in these states for months, but Obama has “the big mo,” (this is what newscasters who think they’re hip call momentum). Obama is mounting a sudden comeback, putting Hillary in a tight spot. And she wouldn’t be Hillary if she weren’t willing to do anything to win.
Remembering that Mardi Gras is the same night as the primaries, Hillary will campaign by flashing people that throw her Vote Hillary beads. These beads will be symbolic of a promise to vote for her. However, many people will throw her the beads, but actually reneg on their promise and vote for Obama instead. This group will call themselves Recantors for Obama, because Reneggers for Obama would just not sound right. Hillary will wake up the next morning horribly hung-over and Obama will emerge victorious.