Thursday, January 10, 2008

Fred’s Dead, Baby

Fred Thompson’s campaign calls to mind a KFC Famous Bowl. If Thompson were running to be—to quote Patton Oswalt—a Failure Pile in a Sadness Bowl, he would be the front-runner. The Famous Bowl had so much potential, containing many tasty ingredients. Fred Thompson also had many promising qualities as a candidate. He is a TV star, can use humor effectively, and has the conservative record you would expect Republicans to appreciate. Much like the KFC debacle, Thompson’s campaign has been a disgusting mess. I don’t understand how he’s still in the race, but I’m sure it’s the same reason they still sell those Famous Bowls. Maybe, like a good Republican, he has not exit strategy and he got into this without even knowing what he was doing. Maybe some worthless advisors told him it would be a good idea. Clearly, he thought he thought it would be easy. Now, he is afraid to admit defeat so he will stay in, wasting millions of dollars that could have spent on…KFC Famous Bowls? I implore all Fred Thompson supporters: he will not quit on his own, so the only way to stop him is to cut off the funding. Stop donating to him. Fred, you're fighting a battle you can’t win. Leave the race and let the other candidates fight this out among themselves.

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