Campaign Strategy: “This is my plan, it’s the BEST. And dammit, we’re gonna do it, no matter what the Republicans say.”
Coverage Claims: 100% of Americans vs. Obama’s 90% (that’s still an A where I come from)
Actual Coverage: 98-99% vs. 97-98% (Sorry, Paul Krugman, her plan is not perfect)
Benefits: Mandates are likely to increase coverage.
Pitfalls: Mandates are not a guarantee. Also, they make it easier to portray her program as Socialist.

Campaign Strategy: “People don’t want to be forced to buy insurance, but they’ll probably just buy it anyway if you make it cheap enough.”
Coverage Claims: “Uh…both are probably very good, but mine cuts costs more.”
Actual Coverage: Hillary’s is likely a bit higher (see above).
Benefits: It may do more to reduce costs. Mandates backfire if costs are not reduced enough (Some people in Massachusetts actually pay fines rather than obey health care mandates)
Pitfalls: Hillary is probably right in this case that mandates generally increase coverage. (Even a clock that’s stopped is right twice a day!)

(Has a name fit for a McDonald’s menu and coincidentally sounds like a cheap, unhealthy product)
Campaign Strategy: “Hey, at least it’s not socialized medicine. Leave that to the Dumbocrats.”
Coverage Claims: “We really should focus on Foreign Policy. If we leave Iraq, the terrorists will follow us home, so really we save lives by staying in Iraq.”
Actual Coverage: Undetermined. Although, the longer we stay in Iraq, the more we can classify our health care spending as military spending! That could work, I mean, those military hospitals have offered our troops good care, right?
Benefits: Allows McCain to focus on the issues he’s more comfortable with. It’s also not ambitious at all, which greatly reduces the chances of failure.
Pitfalls: Reveals McCain’s discomfort with domestic issues. Also, his lack of interest in this issue suggests he is not expecting to make it through 8 years in the Oval Office.
WINNER: UNDETERMINED. Depends on how shallow, vapid, and worthless the media coverage of this issue will be.
The above campaign quotes are not direct quotes, but they are flawless interpretations of campaign platforms.
Obamedicare ® is a copyright of Political Mouthwash. If you steal it, you’ll only increase our blog’s credibility.
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