Sometimes, I see Bush on TV and forget he's still in charge because no one cares about him, which is sad. For once, I feel bad for him. With that in mind, I present a tribute to our outgoing president. He couldn't really run a country to save his life (luckily other people's lives were at stake), but he was...a man of many costumes, so I present this merchandise set, coming soon to the PMW Store.
George W. Bush Action Figures: Collect all 4:
Baseball Star Dubya
Cowboy Dubya

Dapper Dubya

Navy Pilot Dubya
Coming Soon: actual commentary on this issue
Oh I get it. Navy pilot Dubya is McCain. Clever, guys.
Still waiting for Ferengi Dubya. A very opportunistic species -- George would fit in well.
I appreciate your comments, but I will no longer be able to respond to all of them. Especially if they only pertain to Science Fiction television dramas. I will still try to acknowledge every salient political point you make. We are quite busy here at PMW. Please do not take offense if we miss some of your comments. You are one of our most faithful readers.
The Waco Kid and PMW Staff
I resent the implication that LaVar is a more faithful reader then I am. It is simply because he has far more time at his disposal then I. When I take time out of my busy schedule entire worlds fall and several people in red shirts who I don't know die. That makes me a far more faithful reader then LeVar. In addition, I have far more action figures then this McCain and Bush character will ever have. My fans are also much more faithful. At least there is a market for my action figures. That is all. Enjoy the past.
In the words of the great Haridas Terhanian, this shit is bull. Mr. Frakes has neither the fans nor action figures that I do. I have Reading Rainbow and Roots and more non-TNG appearances on Star Trek than Mr. Frakes has or will ever have. Period.
Levar, you and Frakes feud bitterly yet needlessly, much like Hillary and Barack did. You should unite together, as they have begun, to defeat...uh whatever you're fighting against. I think you have mentioned Romulans and Cardassians.
Waco, Frakes stole what was legitimately mine. Watch Season 1's "Arsenal of Freedom" and you'll understand. The feuding shall continue.
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