Everyone’s heard the McSame/McBush meme, which PMW constantly echoes (and let’s hear for it Joe Biden’s Freudian slip during his speech. Heyo!) However, a friend of mine suggested to me that picking Biden made Obama seem more like Bush than the Maverick from the Gang of 14: a young, inexperienced dude who’s liked for his personality picks an older, experienced VP to hold his hand through the presidency. Interesting argument. Here’s my response.

Pork-Barrel Spending: Whoop-dee-doo, only politicians disagree with you! (Plus, Bush is with you here).
Environment: Bravo, sir, only right-wing nut jobs think you go too far on this!
Campaign Finance Reform: Meh, I’ll give you a point for that.
Immigration: Assuming you re-renege or un-renege (is that a nege???) this counts as a Maverick position, but it’s the same as Bush’s stance, so you’re still McBush.
Foreign Policy: Bush - torture + competence, where competence = 0 because your ideas are batshit insane!
TOTAL: 3 points. McCain is an anti-torture, pro-campaign finance reform, more environmentalist version of Bush.

ON THE CHARGE OF BEING TOO SIMILAR TO GEORGE W. BUSH, The Honorable Waco Kid finds Barack Obama not guilty and he finds McCain guilty. You are sentenced to two months running a doomed campaign (plus time already served), and may God have mercy on your soul. (Politically speaking, of course)
"Immigration: Assuming you re-renege or un-renege (is that a nege???)"
We federation types of have realized 24th-century levels of tolerance, but that was too far, Waco. Too far.
Renege is a perfectly acceptable word, with no common roots to any offensive words. Look it up!
And now you're invoking Roots. What kind of racist are you, Waco?
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