But back to the debate, Obama is way ahead in the polls. Most likely because of the sad state of the economy. Dammit, the Dodgers got another run! But seriously, back to the debate. Sarah Palin didn’t really say much substantial, but she was adorable. She looked gorgeous, she had that All-American smile, and she winked a bunch. I don’t know what that was about, but it was extremely endearing. I disagreed with everything she said, but I wanted to agree with her. She’s like a hot Reagan.
Oh, I’m sorry. Did I not actually address the stated topic of what happened at the debate? Well, I was more on-topic than Sarah Palin. She routinely refused to answer questions. At one point, Biden called her on it and she admitted to it. She just stayed on her talking points. Unfortunately, it wasn’t a debate, it was a Sound-Bite-Off and she may have some good sound bites for the news to play over and over again. Biden somehow managed not to have any bad sound bites, though. So, once again, this debate may change nothing.

Give Biden some credit -- he didn't commit any long-winded gaffes or talk down to Palin. Her expectations were just so low that she was guaranteed to exceed them.
The Dodgers can kiss my earthling ass. Riker's probably got money on them.
I agree. I was impressed by Biden.
Given I already know the outcome of the game and given the fact that my life comprises of endeavors that are not financial, I can safely say that I do not have "money" riding on the game as your primitive culture dictates. No, when I bet, I put the only thing that matters to me on the line. That would be my crew which would include your life while I make my way to the nearest escape pod. One of the nice things about not being captain is that I don't have to go down with Sarah Palin and people such as yourself.
I found this Biden character rather interesting. Given how much time it takes to prepare for a debate, I wonder why his advisors decided to burn a $ sign into his temple? Was it a subtle hint that he is good for the economy? Was it support of the bail out? Or was it simply the fact that he doesn't like LeVar Burton? I guess we shall never know. That is all.
Wow, Riker. Where to start. Given your Alaskan roots (wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Riker) I'd expect a bit more support from you for Gov. Palin. I'd also expect you to show some 24th-century respect for those afflicted by body markings. Lt. Dax carried her own, after all.
Speaking of currency markings, you still owe me 120 federation credits for picking up your tab at Quark's the last time we were there. Pay up, commander. Pay up.
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