HAH! (always wanted to right a Dear John letter)
I've got some terrible news for you and Red State America. I'd really like to tell you all that it was a long hard campaign and that both sides fought long and hard to secure their position as President of these United States; however, that is largely not the case. The Blue states will prevail in 2008. This is not just speculation, oh no! Such wild statements in any other political climate would be wild, reckless and negligent. But this is not any other climate. With the Dow behaving like a yo-yo on crack, nothing scares America more than 4 more years of America. I'm sorry McCain, you're an establishment candidate in the face of a change election. Obama almost didn't have to try. Perhaps the biggest loser in this election isn't you. Let's think of it this way (to make you feel better) Obama didn't have to try...but he did anyways. He raised more money in one month than you could raise in 6 months. As a point of fact, he's raised more money than any other Democratic candidate in US history. He didn't have to, what a waste of time. He could have spent the entire election in Hawaii sipping Mai Tai's and mocking an effigy of you from a distance (maybe stage a mock lynching?) It's hard to say what sort of bat-shit crazy fun he could've had if he wasn't making money and "campaigning" but it goes without saying, on an economic level his opportunity cost was much higher than yours.
So after you've completely blown this election, it's going to be difficult to keep yourself occupied. As the Executive Director of PMW I figured it was my responsibility to interview those who are mired in mediocrity kind of like yourself. Natural "losers" who will never amount to much (no offense) Let's listen to their comments! :

There you have it John McCain. This is the best we could do here at PMW. While it's not much, I know you read this blog daily and i think it will do, for now. We really never supported you from the beginning but we admire the fact the you are losing in the quickest and most graceful way possible. PMW hopes that your transition into mediocrity is painless and unfulfilliing.
(Suck it),
Goofers McWaxalot
Here's to losing quickly and gracefully! Even Hillary didn't do that.
John McCain is like the morning wood of a mastadon, freed from the thaw of 1000 cold nightmares.
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