Greetings PMW Nation
Thank you, loyal readers, for reading our blog. We apologize there has been little to read lately. In our defense, there has been little to report. Veep picks can be expected soon. That should be interesting. PMW readers selected... Commander Riker, to be Obama's running mate, so...good job guys. Obama Riker '08? No one has weighed in on who McCain should pick to succeed him during his first term. But we should have a field day on the final VP choices in the next couple weeks.
Other than that, nothing important has happened. John Edwards has a love child and mistress probably. Boo hoo! The Waco Kid and Goofers McWaxalot had a sociopolitical/cinematic debate over whether or not Batman represents George W. Bush in the Dark Knight. The debate probably was too long (and serious) to be contained in PMW and degenerated into bitter name-calling and malicious condescension. The Bush-Batman connection argument (and counterargument) is here.
August could be busy, but we'll be getting into prime campaign season, so expect an increase in PMW posts eventually. But whatever you do, don't call it a comeback!
PMW Staff
I'm not sure what I think of Not So Subtle's commentary. It's easy to armchair-quarterback the whole thing from the center and call both extremes crazy. (Some of us really enjoy doing this, in fact.)
I just don't think many mainstream liberals or conservatives liken Batman to neocon propaganda or "24"-style torture justification, respectively. It's entertainment, for goodness' sake. If you're going to criticize a movie for having political overtones, go after movies that actually do that: Lions for Lambs, Day After Tomorrow, etc.
McCain will need a VP who's younger and has a history of resolving MidEast clusterfucks. (New Obama slogan: "McCain needs a pacemaker. America needs a peacemaker.") I nominate Lt. Worf. If anyone understands honor and combat, it's the Klingons. If any Klingon understands restraint, it's Worf. He has the credibility to stand up to Sunnis and Kurds alike, and he may be the only person able to unravel whatever McCain leaves behind.
I don't know if the leaders of the 24th century (or whenever) are well-equipped to lead in the 21st century. I also don't think any young politicians have that kind of experience
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