Don't worry! Like any long-running series, this probably won't be the final update. Although, things have been slow here (we say that a lot, but this time we mean it). I am still toiling away for no money, 40 hours a week, leaving less time to blog. PMW readers may be interested to know my internship has been slightly political.
On Tuesday, we had a press conference about health care and the people at work who actually get paid got interviewed by reporters. On Thursday, we're having a conference call regarding immigration, which supposedly will feature Barack Obama (hopefully he's calling to thank me for my endorsement). Not that I'll talk to him or anything, but this is the coolest political thing to happen to me since I drove past President Bush on the 520 bridge.(bastard drove around town on the taxpayer's dime, blocking traffic for an hour to get money from the rich snobs on the Eastside, but I still got to drive past the president. Yay!)
Goofers has not been around much, but is supposedly "living the dream." So...I'm guessing he bought a small island and is cruising around it in his Camaro with a monkey and firing rifles into the air. That or making bank and partying it up.
Thanks for reading and supporting us. Special thanks to commenter LeVar Burton for his continued efforts to keep his comments related to politics and reality.
P.M.W. Staff
It has come to my attention that recent comments of mine have surfaced in SEO-friendly ways for the benefit of this blog. To wit: If you Google "Political Mouthwash," multiple comments of yours truly surface on page one. On Star Trek blogs, no less. (I was recruiting, somewhat unsuccessfully, supporters for my Riker-for-VP debate w/Waco Kid.)
Thus, allow me to say: I'm famous, motherfuckers! You can all kiss my intergalactic ass.
PS. My Type 7 shuttlecraft would kick the crap out of Goofers' Camaro. Check it out:
As always, thank you for your comments. However, I am concerned that your shuttle craft's fuel costs would be high and that it might consume too much foreign oil. Have fun flying around in space, though!
Goofers' Camaro runs on 87-octane unleaded. A Type 7 shuttle's K31 impulse drive uses standard grade electro-plasma. I suspect a gallon would last at least a couple hours. At maximum impulse, or warp 0.8 (roughly 536,493,303 mph), you're looking at some serious MPG.
Of course, given the fuel comes from plasma-rich areas like the Badlands in Sector 04-70, it would certainly qualify as a "foreign" resource. Would we fight wars over it? Who knows.
I would say your shuttlecraft sounds socially responsible and environmentally sound. Good for you.
I honestly don't know what you guys are talking about. The energy crisis was solved with the inventions of the phase inducers in the year of our Lord 2156. All we have to do is endure WWIII and our ancesters will solve the bloody thing. If you spent more time thinking about the future, you will be doing far more to help me by the time I get to the Enterprise. Help me out by hurrying your destruction to protect my future which is clearly more important then your pathetic present.
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