It. Doesn’t. MATTER!!! First of all, who are they concerned (maybe legitimately) will believe Obama’s a Muslim? The “blue collar, hard-working, beer-guzzling, working class” or whatever the elite MSM is clumsily calling them at the moment. The MSM always discusses how people are being condescending toward the common people, never noticing the irony. “We know the commoners. We know what they want. They don’t like this.” Gimme a break.
BUT, more importantly, this distracts from the true scandal. Obama is not a secret Muslim. That has been debunked. But the stupid MSM has never bothered to connect the dots and come to the obvious conclusion: Obama is a secret Irishman! They always gloss over the fact that he used to go by Barry.
Don’t you see? This is Barry O'Bama! This is a coup and I’m the only one who seems to give a shit! O’Bama will have us all drunk in the streets (hmmmm…could be good…) on Irish whiskey instead of proper southern bourbon and drinking pretentious imported Guinness (as pretentious as The New Yorker) instead of good ol' America Bud (Wait, Bud was just bought by Stella Artois, so…Coors). How did this happen? Up until now almost all the presidents were good old-fashioned WASPs!
And McCain is Irish too! My Goodness! (My Guiness!) We may have to vote for Nader.
Obama is Irish? Get out. Much of middle America has Irish blood. This could be the pathway to which-candidate-would-you-rather-have-a-beer-with supremacy Democrats have been looking to recapture since the halcyon days of Billy-Boy Clinton. As it is, McCain's WCWYRHABW quotient is lacking. This could be an opening. Bravo, PMW!
BTW, anybody notice how that mag cover makes Michelle Obama look a lot like Major Kira?
Negative Ghost Rider the patternis full. You will have to do better then that, Number One.
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