Today, we stand on the brink of oblivion. Washington has failed to act to save our country from financial breakdown. You, the American people, made your position clear. You wanted the government to act, for once, to help you, the people, and not the corporations and special interests. Too often, they stand by and do nothing, or else give handouts to fat cats while you, the hard working people of America, are left for dead. It’s wrong.
You wanted a bailout, but you did not want a plan that spent $700 billion of your money. This mess is not your fault, so why should you pay your tax dollars to fix it? You asked congress to pass a bailout bill that cost you little or nothing. Congress failed you. McCain failed you. Obama failed you. But there is one last hope for America.
I stand before you today declaring my Presidency for the United States. I will stop this crisis without costing you a dime. I humbly ask for your support.
Copperfield-Blaine 2008
A Magical Opportunity for a Country in Need