Time are tough, but now they are really hitting PMW hard. Already running on a shoestring budget, we have struggled to operate with a volunteer workforce. We have tried to recruit more people, but Goofers and Waco have been getting busier and busier. Our Editor Emeritus Viceroy Fizzlebottom has been M.I.A. for months. Despite the fine work of our new editor, Murdock, and a good post by our friend Nick, it looks like we're not gonna make it.
We needed a bailout. We asked Obama for a favor and, once again, he turned us down. Neither Goofers' nor Waco's endorsement meant anything to him! Luckily a more prosperous business has offered to buy us out. Everything here will operate as before, but our new corporate ownership will take on any and all profits from this website (suckers!) From this point forward, we shall be officially known as ShamWow!®-Political Mouthwash.

ShamWOW!®-Political Mouthwash! Works against Democrats AND Republicans.
Easily removes political correctness
Absorbs all bullshit
WILL scratch the surface of any issue (unlike the Mainstream Media)
Lasts ten years (hey, we can last as long as a stupid towel)
Easily removes political correctness
Absorbs all bullshit
WILL scratch the surface of any issue (unlike the Mainstream Media)
Lasts ten years (hey, we can last as long as a stupid towel)
RATED #1 by Blog Commenter LeVar Burton! GUARANTEED to distract you at work OR YOUR MONEY BACK. Sorry, creepy guy with headset NOT included.
ShamWOW!®-Political Mouthwash: You’ll Say WOW, that was hilarious AND insightful EVERYTIME!
Thanks always to all our readers!
PMW Staff

ShamWow looks Bajoran, but it's hard to tell. Hmm.
He looks creepy!
The Shamwow actually become a formal element on the periodic table in the year 2138. It is commonly known by it's symbol FU which is latin for F... You. That is all.
-Jonathan Frakes
Instructive comments, Riker. I have another instructive suggestion: Why don't you instruct your ass to meet me in Ten Forward for the drinking contest we're supposed to have. I've been waiting here for, like, three seasons of "Enterprise." And five seasons of "Battlestar Galactica." Geez, what a crock of shit that show is.
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