It’s not quite Recession, not quite Depression. We’re in a Repression, an economic brunch. Hear that? We’re going out to brunch! What a wonderful thing for Obama to include in the stimulus package (I’ve had brunch down the street from Obama’s house in Hyde Park!)
A Repression sounds like being in denial and we’re all in denial about the economy anyway. Congressional Democrats were putting things like CONDOMS in the bill, which are good, but not related to the stimulus (of the economy…). Congressional Republicans are blocking the plan without really having a better plan and clearly are in denial about losing more seats in 2010.

ERIC HOLDER IS RIGHT! He wins the Cajones Awards. In the tradition of Joe Biden, he bucks the Democratic trend of pussyfooting around the issues. He was also awarded the No Bias No Bull Award by Anchorhottie Campbell Brown.
Just because we elected Obama doesn’t mean we’ve solved all race problems. He didn’t say white people HATE black people, or even that they don’t RESPECT black people. He said they don’t talk about race and they don’t mix with black people. That seems reasonable (and largely very true!)
Conservatives bashed liberals and black people for supporting Obama just cuz he was black, since race shouldn’t matter, and now they’re saying electing him was a historic event of racial reconciliation, which now means race shouldn’t matter. See the pattern? No matter what happens, the Republicans try to avoid talking about race. What’s a word for some who always avoids stuff? Oh yeah...coward!
In fairness, New York Times columnist Charles M. Blow is right as usual. (another decent journalist infiltrated the MSM!) “Cowards” is kind of harsh and divisive, if true.
PMW contacted both Black Republicans regarding Holder’s comments and neither was available for comment.
Hey, the French don't include race data in their census surveys, but you never hear any liberals on this side of the pond calling them cowards. If anything, our hippies love the French almost as much as they love cannabis and Barbara Streisand.
The only real coward is Commander Riker, who appears to have disappeared entirely from this blog. He has yet to accept my challenge in Ten Forward.
Yes, but clearly you have a far greater knowledge of the French than the average American, for someone who claims he's not a French-loving hippie. J'ACCUSE!!!
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