Still an idiot! Still bat-shit insane! Still fighting. Still going down in flames. And he's clinging to his Bible.
Now, to our main story. A huge disappointment this week (No, not the Sixburgh Steelers winning the Super Bowl…again). Thomas Augustus Daschle was Obama’s Health and Human Services nominee, but he has decided to withdraw (even though science has proven this technique ineffective, and as Obama’s Health guy, he should know that!). Apparently, Democrats don’t know how to pay taxes. I really thought Obama would prove Will Rogers wrong, but I guess they’re not an organized political party after all.
So, now we need a replacement. I don’t have any suggestions, but I will say this.

But Rahmbo doesn’t like him, so probably Bill Bradley. He…plays basketball, so he’s healthy? If either one is picked, I will gloat about my powers of prediction.
Waco, what about Sanjay Gupta? He's the surgeon general, but he ought to also be the secretary of health and human services. With the proper staff, you can do anything.
For example: Riker, with his staff, had no difficulty penetrating Counselor Troy.
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