The Democratic Party has all the right ingredients for a victory over the incumbent Republican Party next November...momentum, an economy on the verge of depression, a disasterous war in a country nobody cares about. Yet for some reason, with all the cards stacked in their favor, they stand poised on the brink of defeat.
The Democrats might be best known as the Red Sox of politics. A bunch of highly respected politicians who over the longest 8 years anybody can remember were effectively unable to "seal" the "deal". (as of 2004 the Democrats actually succeeded in becoming more disappointing than even the Red Sox when the sox were finally able to seal the deal against the St.Louis Cardinals.) Today the Red Sox remain one of the most feared franchises in baseball, and the Democrats; sadly, remain one of biggest "let down's" in politics EVER.
A quick run-down of the Democrats greatest "let downs"
Gary Hart: Character Assassinated
George McGovern: Character Assassinated
Robert Kennedy: Shot (in the hind parts)
John F. Kennedy: Shot (in the face)
Jesus H. Christ: Crucified (like a savior)
John McCain would come out once a day to warn us that naïve hippies like Hillary and Obama want to surrender to the enemies of freedom. We hear all this constantly, although at least every week or so a couple states get to vote to mix things up. But 6 weeks of this nonsense and nothing else? Madness…
Luckily, Hillary and Obama figured this out and have announced they are calling a Spring Break for the primaries. They will spare voters by suspending all campaigning for 4 weeks. “It would be unfair to subject voters to 6 weeks of us debating,” an Obama spokesman told reporters. “There’s not enough to talk about. It would be torture for them and Senator Obama does not condone torture.” Hillary was also proud of the decision. “This is one thing Senator Obama and I agree on…besides all our policy positions.” Hours later, McCain endorsed the plan. “Let’s face it, my friends. I need to nap a lot. I’m an old man, my friends, and I would have fallen asleep on the campaign trail anyway. Now I can sleep at home. Good night, my friends.”
So I will perpetually stand by beliefs. We must treat animals well from birth until death and then, if they taste good, we can eat them. Unless you’re talking about eggs, in which case you eat them before they’re born, which is good because then you don’t have to kill them and it avoids an ethical dilemma! (Although, to paraphrase George Carlin, does an omelet count as an abortion?)