The latest news story about Barack Obama is that his church is apparently bat-shit insane (MSM’s words, not mine). Rev. Jeremiah Wright is apparently Mr. Wrong as a political ally for Obama. The biggest issue is the following:
Obama praised Wright --->
Wright praised Louis Farrakhan --->
Farrakhan hates Jews.
Ergo, Barack Obama hates Jews (He’s only two degrees of separation from the Nazis!). That makes sense…
This sounds like a crazy feud between late-night talk shows. Maybe this Rev. Wright guy is a nut (Come on, who likes Louis Farrakhan?). But Obama has said repeatedly that he likes his pastor, but disagrees with him on many issues. That seems reasonable. I have friends who have crazy political beliefs (you know who you are, if you even read this blog…), but who cares? Clearly, Barack Obama does not hate Jews (as far Hillary knows...)
Furthermore, there are two types of people in this world who don’t understand the idea of disagreeing with your pastor: (A) People who have never been to church and (B) Scary Fundamentalists. If you are capable of independent thought, disagreements are unavoidable. I’ve even disagreed with God before! (I’m tellin' you man, Communion Beer! “This Red Ale is my blood, shed for you.” Come on!) Are we really scared to have a president who thinks for himself? Because imagine the alternative (Or just turn on the TV).
So let’s try to forget about this. We’re talking about organized religion here. Organized religion can get just as crazy as any other social institution. The problem is people. Anything people get involved in can turn crazy and individually, anyone can be called "crazy." Obama (likes Rev. Wright), Hillary (married to Bill), McCain (on the brink of senility), Huckabee (doubts evolution), Nader (thinks his presidential campaigns help the Liberal cause), all crazy. What else can I say? Everyone is insane.
Louis Farrakhan at wikipedia.org/wiki/bat-shit-insane
Furthermore, there are two types of people in this world who don’t understand the idea of disagreeing with your pastor: (A) People who have never been to church and (B) Scary Fundamentalists. If you are capable of independent thought, disagreements are unavoidable. I’ve even disagreed with God before! (I’m tellin' you man, Communion Beer! “This Red Ale is my blood, shed for you.” Come on!) Are we really scared to have a president who thinks for himself? Because imagine the alternative (Or just turn on the TV).
So let’s try to forget about this. We’re talking about organized religion here. Organized religion can get just as crazy as any other social institution. The problem is people. Anything people get involved in can turn crazy and individually, anyone can be called "crazy." Obama (likes Rev. Wright), Hillary (married to Bill), McCain (on the brink of senility), Huckabee (doubts evolution), Nader (thinks his presidential campaigns help the Liberal cause), all crazy. What else can I say? Everyone is insane.
Louis Farrakhan at wikipedia.org/wiki/bat-shit-insane
Jeremiah Wright at wikipedia.org/wiki/non-story
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