Ignoring the pleas of PMW, per usual, the Democratic candidates have refused to go on Spring Break. Obama had his chance to go surfing and Hillary could have cheered for the Yankees with Rudy. However, they have continued to snipe at each other endlessly, mostly over complete minutia. We have tried to cover this, but considering the last two posts covered the same issue, things are clearly slow right now. So, taking a page from the McCain playbook, PMW has sunk into a deep slumber of boredom. We are in political hibernation because we can't take it anymore. The Democrats may not want a Spring Break, but we sure as hell do.
I have been covering the current Air Travel Fiasco, experiencing American and Delta's woes firsthand (and by that I mean getting trapped at O'Hare, JFK, and LaGuardia for 11 hours, leaving me no other choice than to single-handedly subsidize the airport bar industry). Goofers has surely been in his pajamas for the past two weeks, drinking beer and watching people shoot guns on the History channel 16 hours a day. PMW promises a comeback in April, for the Democrats' Final Showdown #5 in Pennsylvania. But until then, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
PMW Staff
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