On Tuesday, March 18, 2008, Barack Obama showed he is far too idealistic to be president. He showed far too much integrity, too broad an understanding of issues and an understanding of too many points of view. This is the kind of speech Hillary is way too shrewd and intelligent to give. He must be fuller of hope than any previous political figure if he thinks this will work.
First of all, he was far too kind to his problematic pastor. In this position, a sensible politician would have thrown Rev. Wright under the bus and been done with him. A 20-year relationship with your spiritual mentor is nothing compared to eight years as president. Instead, Obama tried to paint Wright as a man with good and bad traits, like all of us. Big mistake! This reminded people that they have bad traits and that’s not what they look for in a president.
Reagan was smart enough to only bring up flaws pertaining to Democrats and Communists (or as he put it, Communists). Also, it is way too difficult to convince people to embrace and forgive a man who gave them a bad first impression. Obama should have just said, “That man is a monster!” and moved on.
Secondly, he started talking about how racism still exists in America. What a buzzkill! Seriously, that is not what voters want to hear about. We were so proud of ourselves for coming this close to a black president. The last thing we want to think about is racism. That’s just a recipe for a headache.
Then, he talked about how some white people are scared of black men walking down the street. Way to blow our cover, Barack. We’re still working with those people, but we need more time. We’ve tried so hard to keep this quiet, and now you broadcast it to the world. These ugly truths should not be brought up.
But not only did he force us to think about race, he didn’t even have the decency to clarify which side he was on. He tried to have it both ways, talking about his family’s mixed heritage. I don’t even if know he’s black anymore. He talked so much about his white relatives. It’s just confusing. Why does he always have to complicate things?
Don’t worry, Barack. You can get past this. Voters have short memories. Go back to the talking the points. You’ll be fine. Follow Hillary’s lead. She’s experienced enough to know what to do. Just make sure the only race you talk about is the race for the White House.
First of all, he was far too kind to his problematic pastor. In this position, a sensible politician would have thrown Rev. Wright under the bus and been done with him. A 20-year relationship with your spiritual mentor is nothing compared to eight years as president. Instead, Obama tried to paint Wright as a man with good and bad traits, like all of us. Big mistake! This reminded people that they have bad traits and that’s not what they look for in a president.
Reagan was smart enough to only bring up flaws pertaining to Democrats and Communists (or as he put it, Communists). Also, it is way too difficult to convince people to embrace and forgive a man who gave them a bad first impression. Obama should have just said, “That man is a monster!” and moved on.
Secondly, he started talking about how racism still exists in America. What a buzzkill! Seriously, that is not what voters want to hear about. We were so proud of ourselves for coming this close to a black president. The last thing we want to think about is racism. That’s just a recipe for a headache.
Then, he talked about how some white people are scared of black men walking down the street. Way to blow our cover, Barack. We’re still working with those people, but we need more time. We’ve tried so hard to keep this quiet, and now you broadcast it to the world. These ugly truths should not be brought up.
But not only did he force us to think about race, he didn’t even have the decency to clarify which side he was on. He tried to have it both ways, talking about his family’s mixed heritage. I don’t even if know he’s black anymore. He talked so much about his white relatives. It’s just confusing. Why does he always have to complicate things?
Don’t worry, Barack. You can get past this. Voters have short memories. Go back to the talking the points. You’ll be fine. Follow Hillary’s lead. She’s experienced enough to know what to do. Just make sure the only race you talk about is the race for the White House.
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