The Democratic Party has all the right ingredients for a victory over the incumbent Republican Party next November...momentum, an economy on the verge of depression, a disasterous war in a country nobody cares about. Yet for some reason, with all the cards stacked in their favor, they stand poised on the brink of defeat.
The Democrats might be best known as the Red Sox of politics. A bunch of highly respected politicians who over the longest 8 years anybody can remember were effectively unable to "seal" the "deal". (as of 2004 the Democrats actually succeeded in becoming more disappointing than even the Red Sox when the sox were finally able to seal the deal against the St.Louis Cardinals.) Today the Red Sox remain one of the most feared franchises in baseball, and the Democrats; sadly, remain one of biggest "let down's" in politics EVER.
A quick run-down of the Democrats greatest "let downs"
Gary Hart: Character Assassinated
George McGovern: Character Assassinated
Robert Kennedy: Shot (in the hind parts)
John F. Kennedy: Shot (in the face)
Jesus H. Christ: Crucified (like a savior)
It's a long and painful history to be sure. I don't want any of you Democrats getting too excited over the prospect of having a great man like Barack Obama be your present next November. It's too big of a let down, and you've all been through so much hardship already, it's kind of like what Mark Wahlberg said in his movie Invincible.

"The Democratic Party can only take so much failure."
In short, i don't want you Democrats to become crestfallen when your idealistic golden-boy (or tar-baby depending on your geographic location) is not elected president. In the end you'll see these three faces and remember only one thing this november...FAILURE

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