Welcome to another edition of Admin Update. Things are crazy as always here, but luckily things in the political world are probably about to settle down. As the last primaries are held on Tuesday, superdelegates are expected to be reined in soon and the Democrats might actually have an official nominee. This could mean nothing important happens till the convention in August.
As always we're busy outside of the blogosphere. Goofers is settling in at his new job with some financial consulting outfit (OBVIOUS C.I.A. FRONT, kudos Goofers!). I am immersed in final exams and will intern in Seattle this summer. And by intern, I mean be enslaved as I'll have more potential to make money here at PMW.
Thanks to all our wonderful readers and commenters. Especially Anonymous, who has written many wonderful/funny/strange things. Thanks, whomever you are (could be multiple people, one time it was me). We'll try to have T-shirts to sell one day, we're trying to recruit new writers or guest writers (submissions welcome!), and we're trying to move to www.politicalmouthwash.com.
PMW Staff
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