Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Hopeless Situation, Futile Surge, No Exit Strategy

We are looking at a completely hopeless situation. To think we are truly making progress requires “a willing suspension of disbelief.” This recent surge has produced a few small victories, but in the big picture, we are seeing very little ground gained. To continue on blindly in the face of sure defeat, regardless of the consequences, would be ridiculous. Where is the exit strategy? When does it end? Will it go on forever? It is time to think about cutting our losses and going home. There are other battles to fight.

The argument above summarizes Hillary Clinton's rant against “General Delay Us,” but no one could blame you if you thought it was a description of Hillary Clinton’s campaign. As Slate’s John Dickerson brilliantly points out, Hillary’s view of Iraq is lining up with most people’s view of her candidacy (Slate is basically MSM, so kudos to them for engaging in real journalism!). For weeks, people have called on Hillary to drop out, citing that the Grand Comeback she had promised was unlikely. Well at this point, it has officially failed. Barring divine intervention (75% victories everywhere), Hillary will fall far short of beating Obama on pledged delegates.

This means her only hope is to go to the superdelegates and make her final argument to them. “American swing voters are…well, not racist, but…let’s just say they are really happy when their daughters’ boyfriends turns out to be white and they think having dark skin AND a foreign name is…kind of pushing it.” So maybe the Democratic leadership will screw everything up, but Obama can cross that bridge when he comes to it (lots of traffic on that bridge). For now, he is victorious and Hillary can only sit helplessly and pray for a miracle.

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