As we've alluded in the past, both are/were fairly pointless. I hope we can bring those two worlds of failure and mediocrity together in order to make your life a bit more enjoyable.
Goofers McWaxalot & PMW Staff
(P.S. As a side note - my next post will most likely concern socially retarded man-children who watch star trek and follow politics too closely. If this stereotype in any way applies to you have fun playing scrabble with mom on friday night and never getting laid EVER.)
A fairer analysis could be provided by one who does not actually belong to that group...
Oh i get it! Because i've watched the show (star trek) and followed politics enough to make a blog that completely admonishes the current political process?
It's a rookie mistake to be sure Waco, but I (we) in no way belong to that perverse and often times misguided group of infantile social misfits.
We are better then that because we critisize REALITY. Let that be a lesson Levar Burton and the like.
I use words to psycho-sexually drill America in the Mind-Gina...that's why i'm better than all of you trekkies...get a life.
Wow, Goofers, that was below the belt.
Orion's Belt, that is. Booyah!
I'm with goofers on this one. What i really don't need is another group of fanatical miserables trying to distort my politics. That goes for evangelicals and star trek fans.
Also there have been complaints that the writers of this blog are overtly sexist. I'd like to point out that men also get cellulite..we just don't wine about it. Get your ass off the "treat-mill" and on the tread-mill bitches...then iron my gym shorts :)
I was only kidding, Goofers. Btw, when you respond so strongly to accusations, it makes other people think you are guilty.
However, let the record state that Waco corroborates GM's story.
P.S. Don't EVER accuse me of making a rookie mistake. Especially when you forget to proofread your comments, as if you usually depend on the Kid to proofread your posts
Speaking of rookie, remember the episode where Wesley Crusher had to fly the shuttle back from Betazed because Data had been deactivated? I'd say he did a pretty fine job.
Furthermore: Wesley Crusher would make a bad VP candidate because he's a white male. Obama needs a white female, like Counselor Troy or Lt. Dax. He could pick Guinan, but then people would suspect it was some sort of African/El-Aurian conspiracy.
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