We need public transportation. Cars are destroying the Earth. I have to go. My mom is driving me to school. No I don’t take the bus. I am not a peasant!
Lots of people are moving closer to businesses, but I live in an isolated, agricultural region, so I don’t have that option. Seeing that gas has risen to 3 beers a gallon, I just spend the money on beer. It distracts me from how much my life sucks more than McCain’s gas tax holiday would have. Also, I get the hangover, not the planet. I wish I had as much hope as my Milwaukee’s Best has taste.
McCain’s chief economic advisor could not be reached for comment because he is in Massachusetts waiting for McCain to offer him the VP spot
Milton Reynolds from Albany, NY:
McCain’s chief economic advisor could not be reached for comment because he is in Massachusetts waiting for McCain to offer him the VP spot

The rising gas prices are great because they punish people for being lazy. Either work hard and make enough money for gas or take the subway with the commoners. It’s social Darwinism. My car gets 20 miles to the gallon (highway) and I can afford to fill the whole tank every week. I hope they get higher than Europe’s prices and the lazy liberals can all move to Europe, which they always threaten to do anyway!
A commenter on another post says it much better than I can:
"They say McCain reads the blogs, so here goes --
Senator McCain- Don't let the campaign kibbitzers muddle things up.
First and foremost, Sarah Palin shares your values. She killed the bridge to nowhere. Need we say more?
As for the politics, Sarah Palin transcends geography. Her constituency, like yours, goes beyond state lines.
She will get your ticket access to voters all over the country based on who she is and what she stands for. Because she's young, a woman, a mother with young kids, she will grab media attention more than any other potential candidate.
Gov. Palin also has a son in the active duty military. You have very wisely taken your son's service in Iraq off the table as a campaign talking point. That is and should be respected. But others can talk about it and reflect on what it means.
A McCain-Palin administration would be the first in memory which has family members in uniform during wartime from both the President and Vice President. That would be a powerful statement as to the importance of national service, especially in uniform.
Most importantly, any Vice President should be ready to step up and serve in the event she is needed. Frankly, who is really ever ready? Gov. Palin is as ready as anybody, she is a quick learner, and in her public career has exhibited the courage and decisiveness needed for a great leader.
Godspeed to you in your campaign and in making this important decision."
Thank you for your comment. With all due respect, we prefer comments to relate to the post to which they are attached. Also, brevity is nice. However, you present some interesting arguments and Palin is a compelling VP option.
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