Well, there you have it ladies and gentlemen. Barack Obama is the Democrats’ nominee for president. This is a historic moment, as he is the first black nominee of a majority party. But what’s more historic is that the Democrats actually seem to almost, kind of, sort of know what they’re doing right now. Not since JFK have the Democrats picked someone who appears to be both capable and marketable. Obama has succeeded in these primaries, defeating a key member of the party establishment
despite many obstacles. Obama has claimed the nomination and Hillary will
drop out and endorse him.
Now, the question is: who will be his VP? (Please not Hillary, please not Hillary, please not Hillary!) I encourage readers to post suggestions for whom he could add to the ticket, serious or funny. Here are some obvious choices:

Obama Edwards, the ultimate change ticket?

Obama Webb, military credentials anyone?

Obama Richardson, foreign policy credentials? (And let’s face it, we could use some facial on hair on the ticket)

Obama Sebelius, female representation (without the baggage and zero appeal to Independents)
Obama - Lieberman. Or Obama - Riker. Which one do you think would be better?
Neither one of them are registered Democrats, although they are Indepedents, so that is possible. Lieberman is too pro-war for Obama. However, no one is a more comfortable as second-in-command and ready to take over for the leader than Number One. Good call, LeVar.
Especially in that episode where he takes control of the saucer section after the warp core breach, while Picard is on Veridian III dealing with Dr. Soran. If that doesn't qualify him as a leader, I don't know what does.
Uh...Thank you for your enthusiasm, sir.
Also, that was one of the movies, not an episode.
Obama/Riker '08? Or Obama/Frakes '08?
It would have to be Obama/Riker. Jonathan Frakes, though a well-respected actor, has no political experience and no history even of political involvement. As far I know, the closest he's come to a leadership role is directing Star Trek movies and episodes. Riker has leadership experience and thus, despite being a fictitious character, is more qualified. The question is: could Frakes stay in character for 8 straight years. He is a fine actor, but if he broke character, it could put the whole nation in jeopardy.
Why not Hillary? Okay she's a terrible actor and looks bad when she trys too hard on tv but that only proves one thing. Hillary has frailties like the rest of us earthlings.
I think alot of people will identify with her strengths. With Hillary's strength as Vice President, Obama as President, combined with our faith in her abilities as an honest female politician, its a recipe for success. Put an old man in the oval office looking after all the oil baron's oil interests and Republican party favours, well then it'll be business as usual. Petrol will continue to soar.
Take a look at all the other characters out there, Heaven help us. They're polished, practised, smooth talking, silver tongued politicians telling the people what they want to hear.
The politicians over here in Ireland for example are mostly millionaires lining their own pockets. Charles J. Haughey and Bertie Ahern are lovely examples. They have convenient, creative memories, multiple bank accounts and when corrupt Taoiseach's (Prime Minister) are exposed they retire from office in a blaze of glory and never end up going to jail.
I think Hillary can be forgiven for trying too hard, which only proves she cares. She is human and at least Americans are getting the real deal not a polished salesman or actor.
Well if there's one political shit-0-sphere that is essentially a waste of it's own time and breath it has to be the republic of ireland. I can't think of a worse comparison to US politics.
Also hillary is qualified to do almost nothing. The only reason she did as well is she did is because her Husband was a popular president. If listening to your husband getting blowjobs in the oval office is some sort of magical qualification for the Presidency then I think we ought to seriously consider our options. (Like uhhh, fucking Lindsey Lohans mom or something?) Anyways it must have been crouching under sniper fire and voting for the miserable failure (aka Iraq War II: GWB adventures in the sand-box of failure)
Hillary is qualified for nothing, she's an incumbant and '08 is the year for the reform candidate. She belongs in a retirement home so that she can contemplate her own stupidity and purhaps work off some of the cellulite from her enormous ass.
Hillary reminds me of Captain Janeway.
pro-facial hair ticket, as you can probably guess. Does that rule out any chance of a female vp?
PMW in no way meant to convey any sexism in any of its VP suggestions. Furthermore, the Bearded Lady has done great work outside the circus and Obama should consider her.
If facial hair is a requirement for VP candidates, I must nominate Lt. Worf. His is better groomed than that of most Klingons, clearly evidence of Worf's sense of restraint -- critical, I suspect, in keeping us from going to war against the Iranians. Or the Romulans.
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