He fought off Huck’s evangelical insurgency and parried Chuck’s roundhouse kick. He sent Fred back to syndication. He silenced the Ron Paul Revolution. He sent Giuliani back to 9/11. He sent Romney back to…where is Romney gonna go? They don’t like him back in Boston. Mac is back, not that he was ever gone. Without Bush and Rove to spread rumors about his illegitimate black child, no one could stand in his way. He even weathered attacks from Ross Perot that he supported a
conspiracy to cover up abandoned P.O.W.’s.
McCain is becoming a juggernaut in the primaries. The path for victory is laid out like dominoes. His South Carolina win has put the Thompson and Huckabee campaigns in their last throes. Romney has yet to win a state that anyone cares about and isn’t getting the press he needs. McCain will probably enter Florida with Fred and Huck’s supporter gravitating toward him as he takes on Giuliani in Florida. If he knocks out Giuliani in the Senior State, that sets him up to annihilate Romney on Super-Duper-Anderson Cooper Tuesday.
That could set up for a historic moment in American history: Our first McPresident, besides McKinley, who got shot by a man who did not appreciate having a McPresident. Imagine the message it would send to Ireland when they we elect a president named McCain. And they said the GOP field lacked diversity!

In all seriousness, this is a huge blow to Hillary’s Experience Campaign. My guess is, while running against McCain, Hillary would say "We don't need somebody who can play the game better…We need somebody to put an end to the game plan… A long resume doesn't mean good judgment… [People who] have been in Washington too long…led us into the worst foreign policy disaster in a generation.” Hmmm, sounds familiar.*
*Quotes from Barack Obama
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