Correct predictions:
Obama wins primary and general.
Huckabee gets fat, Edwards has love child: I correctly predicted both these facts in a post on January 12, 2008.

Springsteen endorsement seals McCain’s fate: Unsubstantiated but trust me! Way to go Goofers.
Rise of the Tea Parties: I think this is the Libertarian Revolution I predicted.
McCain picks Palin: I called it…sort of.
Wrong Predictions:
Writer’s Strike Forces Good Shows Off Air: So many awesome shows on TV right now. But what the HELL is up with cancelling Conan? NBC is batshit insane.
Hillary Clinton contracts cholera: A genuine threat, but it didn't happen.

Writer’s Strike Forces Good Shows Off Air: So many awesome shows on TV right now. But what the HELL is up with cancelling Conan? NBC is batshit insane.
Hillary Clinton contracts cholera: A genuine threat, but it didn't happen.

Obama Taps Doc Brown: Would have been a good idea though...
Howard Dean influencing primaries/getting HHS post (although he now works for CNBC and was prominent in the health care debate)
Frequent promises to increase posting on this blog…Hey, sorry…
Future Ones:
ObamaCare passes, but Cap’n Trade gets put out to sea and Immigration Bill gets deported.

Howard Dean influencing primaries/getting HHS post (although he now works for CNBC and was prominent in the health care debate)

Future Ones:
ObamaCare passes, but Cap’n Trade gets put out to sea and Immigration Bill gets deported.

Biden will make 2,010 gaffes in 2010.
Sarah Palin joins Fox News, calls Democrats unpatriotic, immoral Socialists. She will run for the GOP nomination and eventually lose badly. She’ll call the GOP sexist, and run as an independent.
Sarah Palin joins Fox News, calls Democrats unpatriotic, immoral Socialists. She will run for the GOP nomination and eventually lose badly. She’ll call the GOP sexist, and run as an independent.
Romney will run too, but everyone will have forgotten who he is. He’ll try to harness anti-ObamaCare sentiment but will drop out when he can’t explain how it’s different from RomneyCare.
The GOP wins a few Senate seats in 2010. Obama’s political stressors build up and seep into his personal life. He starts smoking again and has an affair with Hillary. It causes an uproar, but unites the liberal base and ultimately leads to his reelection.

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