Wikipedia defines Libertarians as “Republicans who pay attention” or “real conservatives” (www.PMWikipedia.org/fakewebsite-truefact). The GOP has made many Libertarian statements that it has never fulfilled (this tradition is called Reaganism). They have often promised limited government, humble foreign policy, and individual freedom. In particular, Bush promised all those things in his 2000 campaign, although his mindset changed after 9/11 (Luckily, his cabinet had that mindset from the beginning, so the situation worked itself out).

For those that don’t know, Libertarians believe government is bad and people should be free. This idea was previously known as anarchy. Now it has been repackaged and 397,265 Americans bought into it in 2004.
In fairness, Libertarians have made some concessions toward government involvement. They support police, fire fighters, and the building of roads and infrastructure. However, I’m frankly disappointed that they caved in on those issues. The police serve no purpose. I live on the South Side of Chicago, near some very sketchy neighborhoods. But I know from experience that all you need is to do is own cheap stuff and you can easily convince muggers not to take it from you. Wait, I just heard a noise. Dammit, where are the cops when you need them? Well, I’m signing off for now. I have to go lock my door.
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