Wouldn't it be amazing if there were certain people who had the power to decide the entire presidential election with their own choice. The Democrats of course have "superdelegates", individuals who's votes matter more than the rest of us. But what about the general election? Is there anybody in a general election (besides the electoral college members) who have the power to overthrow the will of the common man?
The answer comes in two parts. 1) Yes, the Founding Fathers (namely the Federalists) believed that the "common man" was not suitable to actually decide to the fate of the presidency alone. For this reason they instated two safeguards to protect the "common man" from his own will. The first of course being the Electoral College. A large group of political elites from each state who would decide the outcome of the election after the WE THE PEOPLE had cast our inconsequential and largely ceremonial vote. But what we all fail to realize that there was a second safeguard that the Founding Fathers in their infinite wisdom decided would further protect us from ourselves. That of course, being the ultimate BOSS.....Bruce Springsteen. So as we all know, today "The Boss" endorsed Barack Obama. That means that of course, he must win, because "The Boss" has willed it. He's the ultimate stop gap, and the Founding Fathers have mandated him.
True story.
Do me.
Hell yeah. The Boss Rules!
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