All groups use to their political correctness and political semantics to their advantage, including liberals obviously, but even conservatives. Most recently, there has been debate over what to call people who have entered this country illegally. Those more sympathetic to this group call them Undocumented Workers, which seems to excuse the civil offense they have committed (Interest fact:
It’s not a criminal offense). Those who are not sympathetic to them call them Illegals, which makes them sound like they are dangerous criminals. I’ve always preferred to call them Border Jumpers. It’s the most accurate and makes no political assertions (and it sounds badass!). I have heard that Latinos do not appreciate that phrase, but I’ll keep using it until I see hard poll data. I refuse to rely on Hispanicdotal evidence.

While we are on the topic, another case of stupid political correctness is the totally bullshit word, Caucasian. It comes from pseudoscientific (aka racist)
classifications of people from like 100 years ago. The white race was Caucasoid, the black race was Negroid. So all those PC Leftists who call themselves Caucasian (secretly, they just like that it has Asian in it, so it sounds ethnic), are using a word related to Negro. How progressive. Great job, guys. Way to do your homework.

One last thought: George Carlin once observed “They call it the rainforest/wetlands because no one would want to save the jungle/swamp.” This shows how PC terms can garner sympathy for a group, but it can also backfire. A Clerk sounds like someone who is overworked and underpaid, but the PC-nik corporate morale-boosters have now made them Customer Service Representatives, who sound like a bunch of rich, yuppie jerks. Well done, guys (I mean…guys and girls). Are they these PC terms really benefiting the targeted groups? And why do we always get caught up in semantics while ignoring the really issues? Wait, why didn't I post about a real issue? (I'm busy lately? Nothing's happening in the primaries at the moment? Goofers, come back! I'm running out of ideas!)
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