Saturday, August 30, 2008

Admin Update XI: PMW in a Frenzied Disarray

Greetings PMW Readers Everything here at PMW has gone totally haywire during the essential beginning of the general election. Goofers's gun lobby organization or wherever he's working is assigning him to a new project, so he has no idea where or when he's supposed to start.

I am now back in Chicago, sans Internet, blogging from the library and dodging the South Side sniper fire. After I move, resolve bitter differences with the assholes at Comcast, spend a week in Boston, and get my internet set up, I hope to blog more. Goofers's declaration that he returned was apparently premature, so don't expect a post from him for awhile. Everytime you see him, it could be a comeback (kind of like Weird Al!).

Btw, McCain picked Palin. I called it. Check the last post. Palin = dark horse. Nailed it! Sort of...

Wish us well as we try to get PMW up and running some day in September. And as always, thanks for your comments and feel free to submit guest posts.


The Waco Kid & PMW Staff

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Veepstakes Update

Obama has announced Joe Biden will be his running mate. Honestly, I view this as a good choice, despite my reservations expressed in my previous post. In fact, those reservations make it a better choice. Kaine and Bayh were safe boring choices. Biden, with his hilarious gaffes, is a slightly less boring choice, despite being on old, experienced, white man. Having called Obama a “clean, articulate, black man,” Biden clearly struggles to be PC, which I personally see as a plus and will probably help Obama avoid the scolding, PC image that liberals have.

But more than anything, Biden’s personality will keep things interesting. He speaks more plainly than any member of the Senate. He’s the anti-Kerry. He rambles on a lot, but never sounds academic. The O’Biden ticket will be entertaining no matter what. Rather than watching O’Kaine limp toward a narrow victory or defeat, Biden will either serve as an effective messenger for Obama, turn nuanced points into something short and sweet, or he’ll torpedo the ticket with a gaffe of epic proportions. Go big or go home! Pick someone who has a chance to actually make a difference on the ticket, and if you’re going to crash, you might as well pack the plane with dynamite. Or Bidenmite© (commenters, please let me know if my puns become intolerable).

Honestly, Biden could be what the Democrats need. Instead fumbling and pussyfooting around the issues, Biden may help the Obama campaign stay on message and cut through the crap. Or he could be another useless sidekick like almost every other VP candidate. Only time will tell.

On the Republican side, McCain will announce his VP choice tomorrow. In true PMW fashion, I will now speculate the night before, so by the time everyone reads this post, it will be too late. But here’s what we know at this point: Good n’ Pawlenty and Mitt from the Mitt State are the two favorites, and Joementum and Sarah Palin (businesswoman and Alaskan governor) are the dark horses.

Good n’ Pawlenty supposedly “connects with the little people” (you know how I love it when the press says such things) and certainly seems personable. He’s from Minnesota, where the GOP convention is and the GOP sees a chance to turn that state blue. Romney is seen as giving McIKnowNothingAboutEconomics some economic credentials and could deliver the Mitt (and maybe the U.P. too!). Picking Joementum risks alienating the base because he’s a “Democrat,” but it may let them run the table with Independents by creating a Maverick vs. Partisan race. Not bloody likely though. Finally, Sarah Palin brings economic credentials and could seal up tons pro-Hillary anti-Obama votes.

I predict Good n Pawlenty. He’s youthful but not inexperienced and he’s a charismatic speaker. Although Romney is already known and McCain may prefer someone he doesn’t have to introduce to America. By the time you read this, we’ll probably know. From a blogging standpoint, I’d like to see Mitt from the Mitt because he’s easy to make fun of. Joementum would also work well for me. But I can say for sure, it won’t be McWaco!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Obama VP Announcement…Any Time Now

We expect to learn Saturday who Obama has chosen as his VP. The pundits have spent months speculating and thus far have only narrowed it down to three finalists. We’ve debated the Dream Ticket/Unity ticket with Hillary. Would he pick someone with tons of experience, like Sam Nunn (the Why is Obama on the Top of the Ticket ticket)? Would he dare to slight Hillary (slash make a good decision) and pick Kathleen Sebelius, who has emerged as the dark horse choice (yeah, O’Belius!). Strangely absent from the discussion is governor of New Mexico, and former Everything, Bill Richardson, who is almost as well-known as Hillary and similarly has a strong demographic without all the baggage. However, if we can trust the press, (and, really, this is the last thing we still trust you for, guys) it’s down to these three: Sen. Joe Biden, Sen. Evan Bayh, and Gov. Tim Kaine.

This is outrageous. These are weak choices. Sure they have their upsides. Biden is one of the few non-phony politicians in Washington (but people don’t want that as much they claim) and he is always hilarious (At the same time, he obviously could destroy the campaign at any time with a gaffe). Bayh could attract moderates and maybe bring in Indiana. Kaine also could attract independents with his calm, Obama-esque style. Still, it seems clear he picked these candidates because of how they’d sound on the ticket:

O’Biden, O’Bayhma. Pretty catchy huh. Although, it highlights his problem that he’s a secret Irishman. O’Kaine is the best. O’Kaine vs. McCain? Kaine and Able? O’Kaine vs. McSame? Not bad, Obama. Although, we’d have an impossible time discussing the election. “The problem with Kaine, I mean McCain, which Cain? The one that helps Obama gain, not the one who uses a cane.” That would get old fast (just like my sorry wordplay). But honestly, it’s the same reason Kerry didn’t run with Bob Kerrey in ’04. It’s too confusing. So, there’s one choice.

The first black sheriff in the United States knew what to do. He knew he needed a sidekick who would always have his back. A drunk with no fear, no aspirations, and no loyalties to anyone else. Sheriff Bart picked the Waco Kid!

Obama Waco 2008!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Admin Update X: Save Me!

I can't speak for Goofers (although I heard he's really busy at work), but I personally am very very busy. My company is having a conference this weekend and sleep has really given way to 12 hour workdays and 3 hours of trying to reach a state of mind where such workdays make sense (that usually takes place a bar). I'm kinda goin crazy here but it should be over soon.

I recommend you watch The Daily Show. That pretty much reflects my opinion of what's going on in the world right now (aka Jon Stewart mocking Bush saying "You can't just invade a sovereign country unprovoked, occupy their capital and overthrow their government." His inability to understand irony is amazing!) I promise better coverage in the future, PMW readers, but right now I'm exhausted.

One final note: The USA is kicking ass in the Olympics this year and actually acting like we're the best. Usually, we just say we're the best, but now we're acting like it. And also next week is the Democratic Convention, so if we don't hear Obama's VP this week, I'll be stunned. It's looking like Evan Bayh, but possibly Joe Biden. Paw-lenty of satire is sure to come.


The Waco Kid and PMW Staff

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Tribute to Ted Stevens

No, he’s not dead, but he is hilarious. Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska, the oldest Republican in the Senate is a frequent target of Jon Stewart on The Daily Show for his incoherent babbling from his famous assertion that the internet is a series of tubes (technically true) to his Bridge to Nowhere scheme to his tantrum where he threatens to leave the Senate. So, I have nothing to say in this post, but I wanted to link some great material. Here are some web gems from the former pro-tem (that joke kills with the congressional scholars, although consider yourself cool if you didn’t get it).

All clips are short

Here’s his famous Series of Tubes Speech, where he describes the internet.

Here’s the electronica remix, actually not as funny as the raw material

Here’s his tantrum after the Senate passed a defense bill without provisions for drilling in ANWR

Here’s a great Daily Show bit about him.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


My Subjects, I Returneth!
First I must apologise for my frighteningly long absence. Over the past 3 months I've been settling into a lifestyle that does not allow me to endlessly indulge in the simple pleasures of blogging. I'm afraid that my days of making 4 to 5 posts within 24 hours are long over; however, I do promise to give you at least one good post every week (and maybe a few bad ones). So with that out of the way I bid you all well...let's get into today's post!

I'm not sure if a lot of readers have been noticing, but this issue has been flown silently under the radar for the better part of the last 3 months now. Dennis Kucinich and a handful of left-leaning Democrats have decided to try and string up Bush on war crimes charges. Once more a book alleging that the white house forged documents to create ties between Al Qaeda and Saddam could give this argument some serious headwind. MSM has been really out of the loop on this one, considering how much they love to break a scandal. Mainstream Democrats also seem reluctant to pull the lid off this one since they think it might jeopardize the chances of a democratic victory in November. In this bloggers opinion i think it would give a great deal of credibility to our nation (maybe even more than an Obama victory) when it comes to changing the perception of our cowboy diplomacy stance (pictured below)

If there's one thing that cowboys and the rest of the world can agree on (other than killing each other) it's a good ol' fashioned lynching!

2.) Hillary supporters going "shitty-pants crazy" for John McCain
Here at PMW we feel sorry for those legitimate Hillary supporters who thought that she had a better message and a more solid idea platform than Barack Obama. That's your opinion and obviously you're entitled to it. What continues to confound me are those individuals who are turning to John McCain as the cure-all for their Hillary loss. This sort of back stabbing smacks of racism, sexism and ageism all together! You've heard of "the race card" well I'm playing the trifecta if you will. The royal flush of complaining. I'm calling you all out! Either

A) you won't vote for a black guy...

B) You wanted a woman president and have decided to remind us that hell hath no furry like a woman's scorn (which 99% of Americans ALREADY learned from Rosie O'Donnell thank you.) or

C) Obama is just too young and you wanted a crotchety old nut-scratcher/vag-digger to make the same old decisions presidents have been making for the last 8 glorious/prosperous/economically golden years.

Thanks a lot crazy Hillary supporters...if McCain wins I'm blaming you (and Ralph Nader :D )

3) UFO's are REAL!!!!!!!!!! WTF?!?!?!?!?!
Here's another quaint little diddy that managed to pass under the radar screen not to long ago. Apollo Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell (DOCTOR for christ sakes...he's no moron here) who incidentally flew on Apollo 14 and holds the longest recorded moon walk EVER (9hours) reported that Aliens are in contact with humans and have been since the Roswell crash. I think the general tone across the USA from this tone was something like "Thank god...the Ron Paul supporters weren't COMPLETELY wrong....they tried so hard there losses were almost soul crushing"


Anyways, after all the fuss, this is probably the most credible official EVER to come out in favor of UFOs. He's a fucking national hero for christ sakes. For the first time ever i side with the Ron Paul crazies. Let's seriously shed some light on this. I want answers!
Where's my tinfoil hat???

Monday, August 4, 2008

BLUE COLLAR UPDATE: Obama beating McCain!

I feel like I have been mocking the press’s coverage of “the people,” the everyman, the working class longer than John McCain’s been alive. We’ve especially heard a lot about the the poor whites/Reagan Democrats/Hillary Democrats (how the hell did those two terms converge???) We’ve heard how the Democrats struggle getting those votes. We’ve heard how Hillary can get those votes and Barack can’t. Well, check out this new report from the Kaiser Foundation.

Obama leads McCain 47-37 among the white working class. Boom! Shows what the MSM knows. Of course, this is just one study, but Kaiser is a respected institution and chances are this means it will at least be close. I guess he doesn’t Hillary’s help (remember that as you pick your VP, Barack!).