Friday, May 2, 2008

Admin Update VI

Greetings PMW readers. The PMW Staff would like to acknowledge some important dates. Yesterday was May Day, which...I don't know what that is (kind sounds like a pilot dying...depressing). Let's see. According to Wikipedia, it's like Labor Day for some countries. It also can be a "cross-quarter day" celebration, meaning it's halfway between the equinox and the solstice (I always celebrated Cinco de Mayo for that). Anyway, it's a holiday, so an excuse for you to get drunk and not got go to work. Hopefully your boss accepts that. We'll vouch for you.

Also, tomorrow is the Guam Primary. Four (4) delegates are at stake, which are almost guaranteed to be split, so...really exciting! Will this ever end? Anyway, The Waco Kid is really busy with midterms and interviews, so he may not be posting much lately, although he says that a lot (he stayed up till 5am writing a paper Tuesday, but still posted that night). Goofers is getting situated at his new job with the Gun Lobby, so he's out meeting people from the NRA. Hopefully, we'll manage to post eventually, though.

Thanks to all our loyal readers and commenters. We always appreciate your feedback, or at least your help running up our webcounter totals.


PMW Staff

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