Wednesday, May 28, 2008

What are you doing, Hillary?

Well, Hillary’s staying in the race. And who could blame her at this point? She tarnished Obama’s impending victory with embarrassingly huge defeats in West Virginia and Kentucky. She’s dragged this race on for months. What’s another week? We might as well let the remaining states vote. It gives us an opportunity to pretend we actually care what Montana and South Dakota think.

Also, maybe if Puerto Rico goes too well for Hillary, the charge that “foreigners put her over the top” could cause a backlash that would destroy her once and for all (Ironic on so many levels!).

But as everyone’s been asking, what’s the endgame? Obviously, if she drops out next week, very few people will care and this will all blow over. We’re hoping that Hillary just fades away, but she’s making people nervous. There are horror stories being suggested about her advisors scheming ways to get to Florida and Michigan counted, allowing her to stake a claim to the popular vote (opening up the door for further nauseating arguments about voter disenfranchise and justice).

So, we wait. Is she just messing with us to look important? Is she scheming for a consolation prize? (VP, cabinet post, Supreme Court nomination, NY governor, continued attention) Or is she really positioning herself to lay down the gauntlet in Denver and land a knockout punch at the convention? We have no idea what’s going on (which has been typical). However, it’s one thing to have the confusion levels of the TV show Lost in this primary. What we really don’t need are the shocking, rollercoaster plot twists. Obama’s the nominee. Any scenario where he does not end up the nominee will result in the Democrats looking like…well like they pretty much always do. Don’t screw this up, Hillary. Come on!

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