Saturday, August 30, 2008

Admin Update XI: PMW in a Frenzied Disarray

Greetings PMW Readers Everything here at PMW has gone totally haywire during the essential beginning of the general election. Goofers's gun lobby organization or wherever he's working is assigning him to a new project, so he has no idea where or when he's supposed to start.

I am now back in Chicago, sans Internet, blogging from the library and dodging the South Side sniper fire. After I move, resolve bitter differences with the assholes at Comcast, spend a week in Boston, and get my internet set up, I hope to blog more. Goofers's declaration that he returned was apparently premature, so don't expect a post from him for awhile. Everytime you see him, it could be a comeback (kind of like Weird Al!).

Btw, McCain picked Palin. I called it. Check the last post. Palin = dark horse. Nailed it! Sort of...

Wish us well as we try to get PMW up and running some day in September. And as always, thanks for your comments and feel free to submit guest posts.


The Waco Kid & PMW Staff

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Palin is an interesting choice. Dunno what I can say to that. She's no Dax, but she'll do.
