Saturday, January 10, 2009

Admin Update 09: Washiversary

Greeting PMW Readers

Happy New Year! And more importantly, Happy Washiversary. We have been sucking less than the mainstream media for an entire year now. We are very proud to be a nonsense comedy site that still manages to provide somewhat legit news to our faithful, totally awesome readers.

What lies ahead is uncertain. We are trying to expand (for the 20th time, FEEL FREE TO SUBMIT GUEST POSTS) and trying to just find time to write. Waco and Goofers are both incredibly busy. But we appreciate those checking our site regularly (or leaving that to the RSS feed).

We appreciate your support as the nation navigates through these tough times (we may have to wait to sell merchandise till AFTER the recession). We also have Waco covering the Blago scandal in Chicago (impeachment! One step closer to jail, where he can actually meet other former IL governors!)

Happy New Year and Happy Inauguration to our candidate, Obama. Hopefully, he can smoothly guide the clowns running congress.


PMW Staff


Anonymous said...

Drunken Waco, greetings from drunken LeVar! Perhaps you can meet Worf and me in Ten Forward sometime and throw down a few rounds of Q'adr Al'Xedan. It's pretty hardcore thought.


The Waco Kid said...

Anytime, LeVar, anytime. I can drink you under the table!