America is a freedom-loving country of rugged individualists that despise big government. Obviously the Democrats are known for supporting big government with their tax hikes and large social programs. However, the Republicans have been surpassing them lately, running up large deficits, limiting civil liberties, and supporting religious-based laws. This creates a political void and no candidate would seem more perfect to fill it than the rebellious Libertarian doctor from The Execution State. Sadly, Ron Paul’s candidacy is going nowhere, but why? The problem is Paul gives the people want they want. He is offering them everything they have ever asked for and that is always a huge mistake. People do not have the foggiest idea of what they want. Allow me to offer a History lesson.
After people had decried the shifty dishonesty of politicians for years, Dr. Howard Dean burst on the scene full of candid honesty. However, people decided they did not like his bedside manner after all (Screaming at his patients was also counterproductive, it turns out).

In 2000, everyone was bitching about having to vote for the lesser of two evils, when along came Ralph Nader, who harnessed this sentiment and…got 3% of the popular vote. The lesson learned: More than anything, people want to vote for a winner, and Nader obviously was a total loser. (But at least his campaign accomplished…uh…)
Finally, in 1992, as the once-Grand Old Party continued to clumsily evolve away from its traditional values under the clumsy leadership of our Putz-President George H. W. Bush, Ross Perot emerged with policy positions that Americans seemed to be clamoring for in the wake of the election. What we learned that year was that policy means very little to voters and what people really want is a president who looks good on television (Those gigantic objects attached to his head were not helping his cause).

So, politicians succeed by looking good, sticking with the establishment, and telling people what they want to hear, but not going through with it when it has costs. Reagan preached small government, but limited it to tax cuts, while actually expanding the government. In the end, he was smart enough to know that people didn’t want government programs cut. They just wanted a smiling face to tell them government was shrinking (Note the direct correlation between how much people pay in taxes and how much they pay attention). So smile and be vague, Dr. Paul. It’s your only hope. Don’t make the voters think too much and whatever you do, never give the people they want. You’re better off just giving them the finger.
Remember the espisode where Sisko goes to Bajor to negotiate a peace treaty between the Bajorans and the Federation? That was fantastic. Also the episode where Dax almost gets with Worf. Whoa, that would've been one messed-up kid. What race would he have been?
No?? Waco, you deserve to be sent to the brig.
LeVar, thank you for your enthusiasm in commenting on our blog. I am sorry I did fully respond to your question. In the future, please be sure your comments relate to the post. Star Trek: Deep Space 9 had some good seasons, but it had nothing to do with the post. To answer your question, I do not recall the particular episode, although peace treaties are always good. I hope I after started watching those two groups made peace. Second, there are many interracial couples with biracial children. How do you think a black man was named LeVar? We should be respectful of these families, whether the issue was Worf's blackness or being a klingon.
Well butter my buns! This is quite a convo we're having here ;)I <3 star-trek just like i <3 PMW ...you guys are studz ;)
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