Sunday, April 6, 2008

Let’s Come Back Down to Earth, People

First of all, April Fools to all our readers! Who actually believed I died? Come on! You can't kill The Kid. Pimps don't die they multiply! But let's get back to business...

My support for Barack Obama has been no secret for quite sometime. He’s a great speaker, very intelligent, and as far as I can tell, the best candidate of those who ran for president this year. I THINK he would be a very good president. I THINK he would actually enact change and be a departure from the conventional politics people constantly complaint about.

But let’s come back down to Earth, people. He is not the Messiah. He is not a sure thing. It is my BEST GUESS that he is so great (largely based on the fact that he’s left-handed). It may be your best guess. However, Obama is a wildcard. As much as the importance of experience is exaggerated (and the amount of experience Hillary actually has is exaggerated), anytime you pick someone without much of a record, they are a wildcard.

This is largely how people got conned into electing a Compassionate Conservative who preached a “humble foreign policy.” George W. Bush has not really been compassionate, conservative, or humble at point in his presidency. On the Democratic side, JFK was a wildcard who most people would say lived up to the hype, but Jimmy Carter, who similarly called for change, is largely viewed as a failure. So, please, keep this in mind and don’t overhype him.

Let me be frank. Some of you Obamaniacs (or whatever the hip journalists call you), are frightening people. You like him too much. There are stories of people fainting when they see him. The Obama girl was a funny (and smokin hot!) internet joke, but this has gotten out of hand.

I have witnessed firsthand how crazy supporters can be a drag for their candidate. I went to a Howard Dean rally in Seattle once (The Department of Homeland Security found out and they put me on their No Fly List). While we all waited for Dean to make a pragmatic speech about how the war was a tactical error and Bush was a bad leader, we somehow were treated to some pre-show nonsense.

A bunch of hippies came out singing all these happy, peace-loving, utopian songs. It was nauseating. Many “Deaniacs” were just Kucinich supporters who were sick of losing and willing to compromise. All these obnoxious, unhygienic vegans made Dr. Dean, a preppy from Park Avenue, look like a Communist. So please, keep loving Barack Obama, but remember he’s just a man. If you keep hyping him so much, you’ll just set him up for failure.

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