In a strategy that can only be described as "puff puff pass", Mike Huckabee pulled an un-expected campaign maneuver. Appearing at a University of Michigan pro-cannibas youth ralley at 8:30am on the Universities' main campus in Ann Arbor. A publicist and campaign manager for the Huckabee campaign stated planely "Yes, Mike is making steps to bring the more centrist republican voters together with the stalwart conservative [and incidently older] base" What started with an endorsement by Chuck Norris (a college icon across the United States) has evolved into what can only be described as the most exciting presidential candidate since Barack Obama. Unfortunately for the Huckabees, buzz around around college campuses has been decidedly mixed and somewhat cynical of these newest revelations.
The Responses:

Lenny Jiverson (Rutgers): "This marijuana endorsement by Huckabee is so yesterday. Who was it that did this before...ermmm...Bill Clinton? Yeah, he was rad...this guy so wishes he was Bill Clinton. But anyways, it's so un-original....everybody smokes
weed nowadays..shit, I'm high right now!"
Sam Donaldson (UC Berkley): "I'm glad Mike Huckabee has shown a little courage on this issue. It's brought me a lot closer with my friends and fraternity brothers [Sig Eps!!]. Now I don't have to be ashamed about my love for Marijuana and deep Republican values. Me and dad are finally beginning to bond, thank goodness, because I almost voted for Obama. One thing is for sure, my inner conflict is finally being resolved and my girlfriend is going to have a lot less bruises next quarter!"

Mandy White & Pamela McDonald
(Florida State University)
M. White: "Mike Huckabee has weed?"
P. Mcdonald: "Jesus makes me horney!"
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