Fred Thompson: A rotting corpse or a KFC Famous Bowl. (Explained in previous post)
Mitt Romney: John Kerry. They’re both rich, elite, aloof, Massachusetts flip-floppers. At least Kerry had a war record to run on. Lucky for the Republicans, Kerry is not on their side. Unfortunately, Romney is.

Ron Paul: Guy Fawkes. Paul even did a Guy Fawkes fundraiser! Both are insurgent activists advocating a revolution against a corrupt government. Remember, remember, this November, the Libertarian-cowboy-doctor. Except no one will...

Hillary Clinton: Bill Clinton. Everyone knows he could have won a 3rd term if it was legal and I think that’s what her candidacy is based on. More people want Bill to be “first laddie” (his words) than actually want the former lady to be president. If she’s elected, it’s Back to the Future, get in the D’Lorian and head back to 1992. She’ll preside over economic prosperity. She’ll let Bill make a disastrous attempt to reform healthcare. She’ll get impeached for having a hot-blooded lesbian revenge affair to spite Bill. Ken Starr will crawl out of whatever rock he’s under and go for Round 2 against his arch-nemeses. And we know when it’s over, Jeb will be there waiting in the wings for his chance to be president and keep it going.

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