In an impressive display of ambivelence and utter disreguard for reality, much of the North American continent decided against following the strong urge to collectively shit pants from sea to shining sea in early january, when temperatures of 65 degrees Fahrenheit were recorded in both Chicago and New York City. These are two of America's coldest cities in the winter, and yes 65 FUCKING DEGREES! AGAIN SIXTY FIVE DEGREES AND IT'S FUCKING JANUARY. So what's happening here? Is the USA still shell-shocked from December 2006 in New England, when temperatures hovered around 70 for a good part of the month? Or maybe global warming is our presidents short term answer for the rising cost of heating oil and natural gas in the US? In order to better convey the disbelief that we are experience here at PMW, we present you with this picture as the physical embodiment of our emotions at this time.

<-----For some reason our anger and frustration took on the form of a bearded cowboy recieving a butterscotch enema from an over-sized turkey baster......We Apologize
1) Nicole Richie has a BABY!!!! (OMFG!)
2) Pregnant Marine Murder Secrets?
3) X-tina Aguilera False Baby Announcement?!?!
4) Brittney Spears leaves before custody hearing!
5) T.O. cries for QB Tony Romo ...boohoo :(
6) New Baby for Paul McCartney?
7) Princess Di's butler has a NEW secret (oh shit that's the fifth new secret!)
8) Harvard University honoring Paris Hilton? (well she deserves it!)
9) Melrose place star has a BOY!!!!! (yesssss)
10) Hillary Duff accused of lip-synch (Bullshit, i don't believe it!!)
It's not like i havn't learned ANYTHING from this list. I mean, seriously, lots of folks are having kids this month. Naturally, that means people are getting laid somewhere between April and May...good to know. But where does America stand on the impending disaster known as Global Warming?
Today, we seek answers....
Where do we stand in 2008?

Science is a tricky business. Even with a relatively solid scientific method, there is a lot of room for interpretation within the scientific community. For example, when it comes to our understanding of physics on very large and very small levels we have complex models that tell us everything we need to know, yet there are virtually thousands of explanations about how the two fit together. Global Warming is NOTHING like that. All scientists (empirically 99.9%, *) agree that global warming is happening because we [humanity] are dumping carbon into the atmosphere.
The "other" shoe dropped early in 2007 when the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) announced that on a sliding scale (1 being the kindest Global Warming prediction for our future and 10 being the worst), the result of our Global Warming effect would end up being somewhere in the 11-12 range. Expecting a trans-contintental pants shitting, this reporter stayed in doors most of the day that these finding were announced; however, nothing happened...
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