Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Edwards: The Latest Casualty of MSM Election Coverage

The John Edwards campaign never took off despite having a near-perfect recipe for winning the Democratic nomination. He’s a White Southern Male, he played to the base, and he had a signature issue. He launched his campaign from New Orleans, highlighting his signature issue against Bush’s signature failure (If only he had Kanye’s endorsement).

However, the Edwards campaign was not perfect. Edwards came four years late and four bucks short with his message and approach, which would have come in handy in his 04 run. (If only he could have gone back in time and beaten Kerry.) He also had the bad luck of getting out-shined by Barack Obama, who had comparable experience, even more charisma, and did not have the “loser” baggage of a failed presidential run and being a failed presidential ticket (He hitched his wagon to the wrong Horse-face). This also allowed Obama to be the “fresh face,” Hillary to the “experienced hand,” and Edwards to be the odd man out, an old face with a thin resume. Despite this, I have to blame the mainstream media for shutting Edwards out (and for pretty much everything). Why didn’t they give him a chance?

Edwards had celebrity endorsements, but he failed to become a celebrity himself. He was running against two giants in the most exciting primary in US History. Hillary is the first viable female candidate, but also a famous, controversial figure and a household name. Obama is the first viable Black candidate, but the first viable candidate to be the Democrats’ next JFK, something the Dems have been sorely lacking. This is an exciting story about interesting famous people, but void of any substance or real effect on everyday life in America, so of course, the media rushed to cover it. It’s the People Magazine primary, and Edwards lost badly.

Edwards, to his credit, has kept this campaign focused on issues better than anyone. He stays on message and never strays from substance (except to remind everyone that he’s the son of a mill worker). Nothing could be MORE BORING that talking about the issues, (except watching Deal or No Deal). When Edwards actually was reported on, it was his haircut or his mansion or anything that the press could dig up that was insignificant enough to meet their reporting standards.

Good try, John. Don't feel bad. Maybe you'll get a cabinet post.

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